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Understanding Energy

Thoughts create the postive or negative experience

Energy in its purest form is not laden with emotion or judgment. What this means in a nutshell is that it is not biased, it is neither good nor bad, it simply IS. It is the "thought form" which attaches to the energy that creates the negative or positive experience.
This is why, on the path to enlightemnent, it is so important to purify the mind, to find where the judgments & biases lie and to cleanse those thoughts through the process of understanding.

In order to understand the Language of Energy, one has to first be open to feeling it, then comes the process of trying to put those feelings into words. Not an easy task since energy is not a verbal language, its communication is based on feelings which, if strong enough, can translate into smells and visuals.

Varying degrees and forms of Energy

In our everyday reality, we encounter varying forms and degrees of energetic current.
Some of the energy is pure in form, in that there are no attachments to it, no human thought interference. This type of energy usually does not cause us confusion because there are no thought forms attached to it.
We can feel this energy coming from the earth when we are hiking, from the trees, and from our four-legged friends; that's why many body/mind health practioners recommend walking in nature to reduce our stress levels. That's why we can feel so at peace with ourselves when we walk alone in nature.
There is minimal thought interference in nature when you are alone with her.

Then there is the energy that was pure at one time, but which in its journey through human consciousness, has collected a myriad of thought attachments by anyone and everyone who resonated to that energy as it passed through their minds.
Whether the person had a negative thought or positive thought in relation to that energy has little bearing at this point. The point here is that any thought creates attachment to that energy, thereby changing its vibration.

How to Read & Understand Energy

So in reading and understanding energy, you must first be able to discern where and what the attachments are (if any). Because as a species of beings, we exist in the realm of "Mass Consciousness," this means that there will almost always be attachment to the energy that we are experiencing. This makes reading the energetic vibrations surrounding a person a bit tricky due to the fact that they are carrying not only their own attachments, but quite likely also carrying attachments from the mass consciousness.

Once the energetic vibration has been zeroed in on, then you can begin to feel out what and where the attachments are. Little by little you pull away the "fluff," the stuff (attachments) that has been built up over this lifetime and possibly other lifetimes, to get to the core of the energy, which is its true essence before the attachments were built around it. Once the true essence of that energetic vibration is found, one can begin to understand how the attachments built up around it. *** And so the healing begins. ***

Its kind of like being an archeologist, in the sense that you locate the site at which to conduct the excavation, then you slowly and carefully pull away the debris and layers of dirt, once you have removed all of the superficial sediment and gotten to the jewel and are able to see it clearly as it was in its original form, then you are able to discern all the pertinent questions as to how it got there, who it belonged to, what to do with it now, etc....

But first you must open yourself to "feel" the energy,
or you will not know where to look to begin the excavation.

Discernment ~ What's Yours and What's Not

Over the years, I have learned to discern what is in my psyche vs what I am picking up on in the psyche of another human being. I have learned to discern between what is pure and what has been contaminated by attachment.
Learning these things is an experiential process and not easily explained in a few words. However, you can begin the process by simply asking yourself "where is this coming from?" whenever your attention is drawn to a particular feeling.

I am still refining my ability to read and understand energy, but I no longer doubt myself ~ I know that energy has a language all its own and it is not a verbal language, it is a language based upon feeling.

Energy Equation

Feeling is a sentient form of energy before it has been sullied by thoughts.
Feelings + Thoughts = Emotions.
Emotion = Energy in Motion., which is created by our attachment to the feeling of the energy and our thoughts about those feelings.

Emotion is not a Heart felt energy as many well meaning practioners in the "New Age" movement will tell you. Emotion is generated in the mind and felt in the stomach where we like to store so many of our attachments to what should or should not be.

Judgment resides within the mind, Feeling within the entire body, and Emotion within the stomach. The Heart is our Center of Knowing.

The Language of Energy is a non-verbal language. Although words do carry energy, communication does not take place through words, the message is communicated through feelings. Feelings are not the same as emotions, emotions are the by-product of our thoughts mixed with feelings.

Summing Up Energy

Okay ~ Energy is neither good nor bad, it simply is ~ BUT because we live in a subjective world, energy must by virtue of our very nature as human beings, take on the coloration or overtone of our individual and group perceptions. ~ It comes under the realm of being sentient creatures.

As sentient creatures we feel things, we feel energy, and then we put tags on it to describe what it is we are feeling. In order to describe what we are feeling, we must process the feeling through our minds. We look for familiar feelings in order to describe what we are experiencing. While we take the energy through this process we are building attachments to the feeling of that energy.

Since, we have learned to communicate through a verbal language, feelings take a back seat to our methods of communicating. This has caused the human species to doubt what it is that they are feeling because as a species we no longer remember how to judge our feelings without processing them through our minds and the concepts that have been attached to our words and phrases.

Animals do not rely on verbal communication; rather, they incorporate oral communication (via grunts, growls, whimpers, etc...) to enhance their body posture, pheromone notes, and other energetic responses or displays. They respond instictively to various stimuli, without first processing it through a Thought Center.

Human beings are also animals. Theory is that at one time much of our communication was non-verbal, like our four-legged friends, we "sensed" what was around us.

My Personal Theory

I believe that as we grew more dependant upon verbal communication, we began to lose our ability to feel the energy, to sense what was in our immediate environment. This is understandable, we were learning a new way of communicating and because there was so much focus on learning something new, we began to lose focus on our old way of communicating.

I believe that humans, like our four-legged brothers, have the ability to "feel" what is in their immediate environment, to feel what is being communicated through the energy that is exchanged between them and whom or whatever else is involved, be it animate or inanimate.
I believe that this ability has simply been dormant while we as a species focused on matters that were more objective in nature. Matters that have helped to expand our horizons, our outlook on life, and the perspective that there may be more to who we are than we could have imagined if we had not ventured forth into the realm of verbal communication.





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