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A Brief Insight into Atlantis and Lemuria


In Atlantis, we took too many chances, things literally blew up in our faces. It didn't work the way we had intended.

It didn't work because it wasn't time, we knew we were forcing it ~ it was what we intended, it was our will, not God's will. We were working against the forces of Nature, rather than with the Forces of Nature.

This is what I see:

Prior to Atlantis, and yet ~ as if it were at the same time, as if Atlantis was an "over-lay", with Lemuria in the background.

I can see myself clearly, standing on top of a hill. I was female with long black hair. I believe my name is Alstar ?? I can see beautiful clear blue skies all around me, and just slightly in the distance is Atlantis. ~ The energy of crystals is very strong. I can see two types of buildings. One type is clear, almost as if you can see through them, they are shaped in tall spires, lower to the ground round buildings, maybe some other shapes. ~ The other type is much more concrete, most are white, and the one that stands out in particular is dome shaped. I want to call it the Music Hall, its made of stone.

The clear structures are real and yet not real, its as if they exist in two dimensions at the same time....The stone structures are 3rd dimensional, and made of earthen material....The clear structures are not truly 3-D, and they are not made of earth's physical materials. It seems there is an Energy Vibration that they are made of...its almost as if I can see a large crystal that is producing the frequency for these clear structures.

The Lemurians didn't know the technology of Atlantis, but they knew the Forces of the Earth. Their lives existed in co-operation with these forces of Nature....The Atlanteans saw how to control the forces of Nature. They had gained the ability to raise their consciousness to a higher level, where they could use their thoughts and will to manipulate the forces of Nature. This advanced level of knowledge was given to them by those who came from the stars. This is where Astronomy and Astrology was first born.

The Lemurians co-existed with the Atlanteans for a period of time, but they had no desire to control the forces of Nature,
they preferred to continue their co-existence in harmony with all beings of the Earth. Their levels of Empathy were heightened to such a level
that any attempt to control another being (mineral, plant, or animal) felt as if it was themselves that were being manipulated.

They had no ill feelings towards the Atlanteans for their endeavors to control and manipulate the forces of Nature,
but there came a time when they could no longer bear what they felt happening in Atlantis.

The Atlanteans had no ill intentions,
they didn't really even realize that they were acting against
the natural forces of the Earth and Heavens.
They were innocent in their crimes against Nature
because they were still young in their understanding.
Still, when many of those souls left that incarnation,
they were greatly saddened by what their ignorance had created
~ this was seen in the review of their lives after physical death.

These souls have spent many life times trying to understand what they had missed while incarnated in Atlantis....
Many took on lives of seclusion in monastaries, and even as hermits, in order to learn the secrets of the Inner Sanctum.

This is where judgment of myself as a 'psychic' arises. ~ This is the Origin of my fear to step into my power,
to use my ability to master the forces of Nature.

Now, just now, I see that in the past,
we did not understand the true meaning of "Mastery".

A true Master is in harmony with All things, and is able to merge energies,
is able to create particular scenarios, all without "controlling" or "manipulating" anyone or anything....

It is a dance that occurs with the Master leading the way,
guiding the steps of those forces he is dancing with....
Nothing is ever used against its will, or its Natural tendency.

Everything is done and conducted in Love and with Respect and Honor
for both the dancers and the Dance itself....
Therefore, it is All-Ways a joyful undertaking, it is All-ways a joyful experience.


Carol Marie


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