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Guide to Shambhala

Shambhala or "bde 'byung" in Tibetan, means "The source of happiness".

*** The course of all spiritually enlightening works, is to lead the aspirant to a more healthy and whole understanding of self and
*** other, to give guidance in the understanding of the events in one's life as tools in finding and developing the Inner Wisdom
*** empassioned within each human being.

*** It doesn't matter if Shambhala is a place of fact or fiction, it doesn't matter if we call it Eden, Shangri-La, or Shambhala ...

*** What does matter is our belief in a way of life as portrayed in the description of Shambhala.

*** As human-beings seeking spiritual growth and enlightenment, to experience the ecstatic oneness that so many indiginous cultures
*** speak of, we are wholly capable of creating Shambhala in our personal lifetimes.

*** In order to do this we must first begin our inward journeys. That means that we must begin to walk through the open doors
*** leading to deeper and higher awareness within our own consciousness.

********* We must begin the process of taking full responsibility for everything in our lives. We must begin the process of learning and understanding the True meaning of Love.

To create Shambhala in our own personal lifetimes we must begin the process of transforming our thoughts,
*** to regain and strengthen our innate ability to reason without losing our belief in the magic of life.


His Holiness the Dalai Lama noted during the 1985 Kalachakra initiation in Bodhgaya, Shambhala is not an ordinary country:

"Although those with special affiliation may actually be able to go there through their karmic connection, nevertheless it is not a physical place that we can actually find. We can only say that it is a pure land, a pure land in the human realm. And unless one has the merit and the actual karmic association, one cannot actually arrive there."

"According to the Shambhala tradition, there is a natural source of radiance and brilliance in the world, which is the innate wakefulness of human beings. This is the basis, in myth and inspiration, of the Kingdom of Shambhala, an enlightened society of fearlessness, dignity and compassion."

The Shambhala teachings, taught by the Buddha to the first King of Shambhala, are teachings on how to live in the world, with an open heart and a fearless-awake mind.

The only place of complete "peace" . . . is the "centre where the will of God is known." The spiritual Hierarchy of our planet . . . is not a centre of peace but a very vortex of loving activity, the meeting place of energies coming from the centre of the divine will, and from humanity, the centre of divine intelligence.
(The Reappearance of the Christ, p. 28)


