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Heart Of Sedona

Touching the Mysteries of the Universe

What I hope to accomplish with this book :
To show all people, especially women, that they have the ability to accomplish anything that they set their hearts and minds to, that there is an Infinite Power that they may draw upon from within themselves that will shower them with both Love and Guidance as they progress upon their paths towards Home.

Too many people seek their answers always from outside of themselves, thinking that someone else has the answers to their questions and their life dilemmas. This is not true. Although, there are those who are capable and good as Way Showers, they can only show you the Way. The actual journey must, of its very nature, be taken by yourself. No one else can take this journey for you, but they can be there for guidance and reassurance.

With that said, this book is designed to help everyone who has the desire to find their own paths, their own journeys, upon this school called Earth.

The following is a 'message' received from those who guide us in our paths towards enlightenment.

We have called out to many people around this Earth sphere. There are many who now answer that call. They seek guidance from within themselves, yet they are unfamiliar with the terrain of Inner Knowing, this book will serve to help many find their own Truths and Understanding of Who We Are and why We are here.

Knowing these things will serve to fill these initiates of higher wisdom with the fruit of Truth’s Design. These things that are shared here will flower within those who have come to share and to shelter, with their very own desires and truths of Who We Are as multi-versed truths of God’s Grace. This is not to send the message that those who choose to call The Divine by another name are misrepresented, but that this time at hand is based within the Christ Logos, and so it is that We share this information. For to know what it is to be human and to be loved by the Father, is to know what it is like to be christed through the word I Am as Is my Lord God Which Is.

Many who have come to us, have come seeking understanding of ‘what ‘ their purpose in life is. It is a question that begs answering from the multitudes. They are distraught at the lack of direction that they now experience in their lives. They cannot seem to find their Inner direction because the directions that are being given to them are not forthcoming in fruit, the season for harvest is not soon enough for them. They must receive guidance and understanding that the fruit is borne only of time and nurturance, this is the way of the Earth plane.

When We come forth to give guidance, it is in the manner of Truth accessed from within a wide vein of understanding. These words are Carol’s, yet are they also of the thought that is Universal in Design; therefore they are multi-dimensional in their guidance. She has sought for life times to instill within humanity, the ability for them to find the Truth within themselves so that in doing so she will no longer hold the burden of Way Shower for those who seek to know the Truth from without. Any who come unto us are guided with the Wisdom and Grace of the Highest Elohim known to this Universal Code. We share information within the hearts and minds of many beings throughout this universe and will continue to do so until We are called to move closer to the God Which Is All Things.

The journey that you are upon in this moment, is one in which you will come to know many truths. Each truth is a step closer to the ultimate Truth which is held within the God I AM Which IS. Knowing these things within, will further you along your individual paths while at the same time bringing you closer to yourself as is known upon the Earth.

A point of clarification ~

You, as human beings, are not being asked to shed your earthly wardrobe in order to ascend to a higher realm of existence. You are coming to know and to understand that which you are as emissaries of a higher order of Truth, wherein the byproduct is Faith both adorned and unadorned by human consciousness. In other words, you are here on this Earth to understand yourselves as both spirit and flesh, both must be fed and sanctified within your own understandings of Who You Are as children of the One God Which IS.

Knowing your birth right as individual incarnate spirit beings in human bodies, will do little for you if you do not also know and understand that which Is without your physical beings. This serves to tell you that as We climb ever higher into the vistas of the unknown, many will fall by the wayside because they have forgotten to pack food for their physical bodies. You as individual expressions of the God Which IS, do not live on bread alone, yet are you also expressions of the word I Am which is an Earth based word. It is carbonated matter ~ it is the physical word of the Lord I Am ~ and it therefore must be addressed and cared for in the very same manner in which you now seek to care for the spirit within. Do not tarry at the spiritual markets that cater only to the spirit within, for these places will leave your soul and body hungering for nourishment. The ascension is of body, mind, and spirit ~ it is not in exclusion of one for the other; you must bring the whole package.

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