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Heart Of Sedona

Touching the Mysteries of the Universe


Forward by M. Melchizedek

Awaken ye children of Truth and Grace.
Come fill your cups at the well and thirst not.
Find sanctuary in the times now at hand.
Know ye no evil, for it exists not but in the minds of man.

The Grace, the Truth and Glory,
are yours by right of birth. Do not cower in the darkness;
let Us shed light upon your mind and open you to your heart.

You have heard that the Kingdom of Heaven is within ~ If you do not seek it, you will not find it.
Ask and it shall be given. Knock and the door shall be opened unto you.

Do not fill your hearts with sorrow and despair .
Cultivate hope and faith within yourselves, for they are the precursors to Peace.

Do you seek to silence the lambs?
Do you wish to stop the crying of the masses, the madness of wars?
Then you must first find Peace within yourselves;
you must come to know the Truth of your own hearts,
only then may you silence the crying of the lambs.



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