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Heart Of Sedona

Touching the Mysteries of the Universe

Forward for Way Showers

We are Way Showers.
We work within to show you the Way Home ~ the Way in.
We are held in the Grace and Glory of the One God I AM That Which IS.
It is within these very words
that one may discover their true identity above all else
and within His Holiest Grace.


You vendors of Truth, the Way of Grace and Glory is without a price.
If in the end We sell the voice of God’s Graceful Truth,
then only those rich in wealthy manifestations would gather His Word.
Yet, it is as We say here, that he who is without these things
shall find his way to the Kingdom of Heaven within
sooner than those to whom We have visited earthly wealth upon.


Shelter not your earth bound possessions,
We tell you truly that you cannot take them with you
into the Kingdom of Heaven
~ they will weigh heavily upon you
if you should seek to carry them to the Gate Within.

We Are in God’s Grace and Truth ~ Melchizedek ~


Email Carol Marie