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Heart Of Sedona

Touching the Mysteries of the Universe



I allow the voice of the Melchizedeks to flow through me.
I allow myself to be their transcriptionist, to bring forth their words of wise thought.

Greetings and Blessings We are Melchizedek Thothe

We are here to talk about the incoming frequency adjustments that have already begun to filter through the earth’s atmosphere.

To clarify, We are Melchizedek and We are Thothe ~ We are two areas of thought force, combining now in order to bring forth this information with more clarity than previously encountered by this personage known as Carol Marie. The reason for this type of communication is two fold…One, We are consistently running into mental road blocks by this personage’s thought forms, because she has a penchant for writing correctly the first time without waiting to edit…thus we have incorporated our thoughts with those of the Thothe brotherhood in order to bridge the mental bias of this organism.

She once thought that she was going crazy…that is past now, and she is more capable of writing our words for us….

Let us begin.

We are Thothe. We are a force of truth that has endured within the consciousness of humankind for many eons. These words are ours, and filtered through her intelligence. The work is always only as good as the machine which may produce or convey the message or material.

We have formed an alliance of sorts with her in order to bring forth important information about the contingency of the thought paradigm now entering into this Earth sphere.

Many have already become familiar with its powers and are experimenting with the possibilities of this new energy not yet completely made public and available to the masses.

The new thought paradigm that is now being energized and taken advantage of by many people are those forces which the mystics and shaman priests have long been aware of and have long practiced to master. Now it is available to the masses and so there is danger of misusing this power once again, on an even larger scale than was witnessed during that time now known as Atlantis.

They had discovered the way in which to harness the energies so that it was available on a limited basis to those who were not schooled in the use of such powerful forces. Yet, they were not well enough schooled themselves and so they too became overwhelmed with the power of Omega.

The people must be taught how to be responsible for this power. Each person, no one is to be excluded, exclusion would again create a monopoly of power that could be exploited as is the tendency for human kind. We shall show you how to instruct the people in their acquisition of understanding these energies and their role of responsibility that goes with this. So, you see , you will not have to be concerned about taking people in the wrong direction. They will make their own decisions after you have shown them how to understand and then to be responsible for their thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.

You will show them the power that they each possess. You will show them the responsibility that they each have in harnessing their own power of thought. The way in which you shall accomplish this is forth coming and shall be made clear to you as you begin your tutelage this night.


