Camera Phone-tography
(contains some very old crap)
pictures taken with my camera phone. (which i no longer have) i went a little insane with it sometimes. it wasn't exactly your high-quality digital camera, so the pictures aren't too great.

super old and super blurry. it's me, all of me, standing in front of the pantry. and it has a border! this has to be the most awesome picture i've ever taken with my camera phone. i love my Alex <3.
woah. Alex and Trish. (Trish is the scary, cartoony looking one.)
lovely Drea. Brit is awesome.
myself, being vain. me, in the dark. teehee...
um...i was bored at the airport while we were waiting for the plane. this is the result of that. wow...paleness. here is Sanchez. (also known as Mr. Waffles) he's mexican. mmmmm.
