some of these are SO old.
and for the record, i've never done any photo-manipulation. the most i do with these is soften them a bit and mess with the contrast. yup, no major editing for me!

Mindless Self Indulgence
(October 13, 2005 crap)
not-so-great pictures i took at the beyond-awesome concert.

Digital Pictures
(wide mix of old and new crap)

camera phone-tography

"The Bird" Hall of Fame
(very old crap)
it used to be a tradition for my brother and i to take pictures of our friends flipping us off, and then hang the pictures in our locker at school. now you too have the chance to marvel at our immaturity.

The Jeff Gallery
(somewhat old crap)
from when i had classes with Jeff. he liked to use the camera on my phone for randomness. then he requested i make a section for all the lovely pictures he took. SEE JEFF, I TOLD YOU I'D DO IT! HAH!