Step 15
use the self-sharpening Loréal eyeliner to draw a line across the base of the lashes on the top lid.
Step 16: The Wing
if you are doing the wing, just remember that it takes A LOT of practice
to make it symetrical on both sides. don't bother with it if you can't
come close, because two non-symetrical wings on your eyes
will look SOOO horrible.
continue the line slighly past the outter corner of the eye. fill it in, creating a kind of triangle shape.
Step 17: The Wing
with the eyeliner pencil, draw a thin line from the corner of the eye, ending a little bit past the tip of the wing above it.
Step 18: The Wing
you can also use the pencil to extend and add a thinner point to the wing.
Step 19
line the inner corner of the eye.
Step 20
my bottom lids are weird, so i have to carefully pull down and line the eye on the inside. you can finish the bottom lid however you want. it's not even necessary to line it if you don't want to.
Step 21
brush a thick coat of mascara onto the top lashes. it helps to use a side-to-side motion first, and then straighten them by brushing up. this helps to thicken the lashes. the mascara i use has a brush that is designed to eliminate clumping, i really recommend getting it.
Step 22
lastly, brush a very thin layer of mascara onto the bottom lashes.
*TAH DAH!* all finished!
ideally, it should look like this:
if not, well that's good. i don't want everyone looking like me anyway.
goddamn copycats.

go back to part I: the eyeshadow