pictures of myself - in chronological order.
my god, this section is huge.

top: newest
bottom: oldest

Before the Church (April 9, 2006)

DREA! and my car's headlight.

those are ants.

we be teh seks.

on my driveway.


i put my hair up. kinda.

i heart my boots.

mmmm silvers.

eye makeup. i was proud of it.

November 7, 2005

my hair would never stay like this.

looky thar.

and it's like dude, rock on.

my future roommate, Desarae, and me.

Halloween 2005

me in Raven form. minus the wings, which
Derek stole. yes, i made the whole freakin thing!
(for last Halloween...but i never wore it back then.)

me again.

Derek as a Blues Brother, wearing my wings, which
we decided made him 'The Flying Tuxedo'. heh heh...

yes sir!

damn, i should be a makeup artist...

Spontaneous Vanity (October 26, 2005)

i think people are right when
they say i always look angry.

Derek really likes this one.


the Eyebrow Piercing (October 24, 2005)



ze pierced eyebrow.


i'm so awesome.

my way too long, unbrushed hair.

yeah you better love me.

the Black Hair Era (July - September 2005)

reasonably decent picture.

evil weirdo.

the tattoo i got on my 18th birthday

May 2005

bright and shiny red hair.

you have a nasty mind.

Art Class (March 2005)

dopey wink.

yeah, hi.


looks kinda sad.

Sometime in early March, 2005



rawkin da 80s hair.

don't mess with me.


not too sleepy yet.

Arizona (January 2005)

genuinely happy.

lying down.

with he-who-hurt-me-most. yes, i loved you.

yes, you were my other half.

Really Old Ones
yeah, i don't even remember half of these...

do dee do.

Alex and i, New Years Eve
at the 16th Street Mall.
(January 1st, 2005)

December 2004, when we still had
the sucky old computer.

love me so.


cheerios be good for you.

after Alex dyed my hair again
right before graduation (May 2005).

with Chris, Halloween 2004.

red eyes.

the file is named 'tuesday', so i
guess i took it on a tuesday.

i like to think i'm pretty.

muh hairrr.

quit trying to see down my shirt.

oh god...
^ these three from the family reunion in North Carolina, summer 2004 ^

my best picture of all, i think.
March 2005, in my car, ditching
advisement class.

officially the oldest picture i have found.
(March 2003)
it does seem like i take an awful lot
of pictures in the month of March.
