Why does the government really oppose Iraq? I mean, sure, oil is valuable, but is that enough to justify a war? I don't think so. Obviously, there's a conspiracy at work here.
Since Saddam took over Iraq in the 1870s, Iraq has constantly been expanding their government and military, at exponential rates. These rates could not be explained simply by the influx of cash caused by a surge in oil drilling. Apparently, there are other forces at work here. It would seem the Iranians knew, because they went to war with Iraq, supposedly over territory. Many theorists have suggested that Saddam may, in fact, be growing a genetically modified form of pot for sale on international black markets. Others have suggested that Saddam has found a way to extract gold from air. The truth may be completely different:
Saddam’s associations with these extraterrestrials may go back many years. The U.S. government knows this, and desires a monopoly on extraterrestrial contact and technology for itself. Because Iraq does not have all the technological resources of the United States, it thus far has probably not been as successful in its efforts to reverse engineer the alien spacecraft-a great relief for the U.S. military, who fears the military might this would bring the rogue nation. Though attempts by conspiracy theorists and investigative reporters to learn more about Iraq’s captured alien spacecraft, it would appear that they may, in fact, be the same type as those hidden in Area 51! Some have theorized that the U.S., in fact, stole some of its spacecraft from Iraq when they crashed there, probably during the 1950s, before the nation had a centralized government.
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