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By: Tracy Porter
Copyright 1999
The Anasazi Indians were a peaceful race that flourished in the American Southwest up until the 15th century. It is believed that they were a spiritual race that knew complex concepts that modern civilisations have yet to envision. These people revered the night, for it was a time when they were free to dream of home, a place they knew that they would someday return to.
In ‘Earthway’, written by Mary Summer Rain, the Anasazi had their own system of astrology that differed from other Native American races: they lived by the stars rather than only by the earth. They adopted star legends, with each planet along with the Sun and Moon accorded a ruling ancestor from the tribe’s distant beginnings. They based their planetary concept on knowledge received from their star ancestors and accorded one heavenly body to a whole month, which was called a ‘season’.
Mercury’s ruling ancest6er was Wap-pu, a highly respected elder who was the spiritual father of the people. The influential magnetic season was the Moon of Little Changes, which comprised the months of May and August. During Waa-pu’s strongest influence, the Anasazi wise woman counselled those who came to her to calm their sudden onset of wanderlust by focusing on the importance of family and home, and to participate more often in the community activities available to them.
Venus was associated with Mee-Yaa-Nu, the beautiful ancient one who was the dream giver of the people. Mee-Yaa-Nu was associated with the magnetic seasons of April and September, the Moon of Big Changes. It emitted a calming influence that brought about a wonderful sense of belonging.
Mars was associated with Qu-Say-U, who was the protecting warrior of the people. It corresponded with March, or the Talking Wind Moon. Those under the influence of Qu-Say-U found that there were obstacles to their life path, which could be frustrating. With the exception of feelings of conflict, those affected were bright and eager to deepen their level of wisdom.
Jupiter’s ruling ancestor was Quaa-Pu, the provider of the people. It was active during the month of December, or White Woman Moon. While under the influence of Quaa-Pu, people tended to gather together to seek a deeper level of spirituality and intensify their level of knowledge of universal concepts.
Saturn’s ruling ancestor was Saa-Qu-Ya, the old wise one. The magnetic season that Saa-Qu-Ya ruled was November. The persons associated with this planet tended to be responsible individuals who may have had inner conflicts and consequently caused problems for themselves by attempting to interfere in the personal affairs of others.
Uranus’s ruling ancestor was Kaa-Nu, known as the philosopher of the people. It ruled January, or Wolf Moon. Those under the influence of Kaa-Nu tended to be free thinkers with innovative ideas and concepts. Neptune’s ruling ancestor was Aaqu-Waa, who was the magic giver of the people. It ruled the month of February, which was the Moon of Long Counts. Those influenced by Aaqu-Waa tended to be young and eager to learn the tribe’s esoteric knowledge. They were very sensitive and had very fragile egos.
The ancient ancestor ruling Pluto was Yo-Naa, the old wise man who was the healer of the people. Yo-Naa ruled the month of October, known as the Cold Moon. Those under the influence of this body had inquisitive minds and a deep comprehension of concepts.
The Sun’s ancestral ruler was Qu-Nu, the eternal grandmother. Qu-Nu ruled July, or the Moon of the Thirsty Ground. Those under the influence of Qu-Nu tended to be very optimistic and needed to exercise rational thought so not to succumb to unrealistic ideals. They tended to be extroverted and have a lot of energy, which could be irritating for more retiring souls.
The Moon was ruled by Naa-Yu, who was the spiritual mother of the people. Naa-Yu governs the month of June, the Moon of Many Gifts. Those influenced by Naa-Yu tended to have an emphatic nature. Friendships and family were important to those individuals so they made them a high priority. They were very determined and would preserver in the face of opposition. Negatively, those influenced by Naa-Yu could be troubled with nonchalance and restlessness to begin new projects or proceed with goals.