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By: Tracy Porter

Copyright 1999

The anti-planetary theory concerns itself with the premise that the axis upon which a planet sits is particularly significant when interpreting a horoscope. Because of the subtleties of these points, all astrologers use the anti-planetary theory in one way or another by aspect analysis or the Arabian Parts.

The most apparent use of the anti-planetary theory is when interpreting the aspect called the opposition, which occurs when a planet or point directly opposes another planet or point, and usually brings a mild conflict to help us grow and evolve. Many astrologers believe we possess attributes and characteristics of the sign opposing our natal Sun, and this can explain why many Aquarians have a regal nature, Virgoens are usually idealistic about their work, and Librans can be forceful at times. The Arabians used the anti-planetary theory by developing the Arabian Parts. While Venus represents love, marriage and harmony, the Arabian Part of Divorce was considered to be the anti-thesis of this and was assigned the point opposite the natal Venusian placement. The Part of Divorce shows us where we need to remain noncommittal in order to prosper. When we are in love or contemplating marriage, we may not look at the situation clearly because we are so focused on our ultimate goal. The anti-Venusian placement shows us what we need to concentrate on during these periods so that we do not make any irreparable mistakes.

A relatively common aspect, the T-Square, is found in about 40% of all natal horoscopes. A T Square is comprised of two planets that oppose each other and a third that forms a square to the two opposing planets, thus forming a celestial .T・. This aspect has a planet situated on three corners of the imaginary square drawn in the heavens, but the fourth and final corner remains empty. This empty space is highly significant because when we find ourselves living under the strain of a T-square, concentrating on endeavours ruled by the empty placement will help us successfully navigate the activating transits or progressions.

Most astrologers agree that while the first house of the horoscope indicates our personality, the seventh house refers to the types of persons we are likely to seek relationships with. These people possess qualities we would like to develop in ourselves and thus help us to grow. The tenth house cusp, or Midheaven, relates to the reputation or career we have, while the fourth house cusp relates to the secure nest we would like to build. These correlations opposing houses make with each other apply to every house and sign in the horoscope, thus validating the theory that the axis a planet or point lies on has a much significance as the house or sign itself. For this reason, if we think of the horoscope as a huge wheel with six spokes holding it together, we will be able to better correspond how the complimentary planets are able to work in harmony to help us.

The Moon・s nodes are a prime example of the anti-planetary theory at work. The nodal axis is considered to be of karmic significance, with the North Node relating to what we should strive for in this life and the South Node emphasising what we have already mastered in the past. It can be so easy to grow in the direction of the South Node because we have honed these skills in past lives and these attributes are firmly cemented into our subconscious memory. Because we are so adept at the attributes associated with the South Node we have in all likelihood picked up some bad habits along the way, and it is these foibles that we must aim to remedy if we are to progress to the next stage of our spiritual evolvement. The North Node presents greater challenges to us because the themes inherent in this point must be learned during the current incarnation in order to harmonise our souls. South Node traits can clearly be seen in the actions of young children because their psyches have not yet been clouded with the present. Although it can be difficult, we must learn through experience to live according to the North Node principles to promote greater peace and harmony within ourselves. An optimum scenario, however, would be to maintain a balance between the two nodes so we can switch our emphasis between the two, depending upon what is needed in any given scenerio.

Of lesser clarity concerning the anti-planetary theory is the axis that specific planets lie on. If the Midheaven, Ascendant and nodes of the Moon lie on an axis that tells of opposing characteristics, it therefore shouldn・t be unfeasible to suppose the remaining planets have anti-planetary points that also play an important role in our life. Because astrology is an esoteric science used to delve into the past, present and future, careful examination of each point can shine light into the events surrounding our path. The sign and house each anti-planetary point holds has special significance in how to relate to the lessons each luminary aims to teach.

The anti-planetary point is exactly 180 degrees, or six signs, away from the natal placement. For example, if our Sun is posited in 10 degrees Aquarius then the anti- Solarian point is 10 degrees Leo. The opposing signs are: -

Aries --> Libra
Taurus --> Scorpio
Gemini --> Sagittarius
Cancer --> Capricorn
Leo --> Aquarius
Virgo --> Pisces

While the Sun points to the character of the native, the anti-Solarian point indicates what will dim the bright light shining within. The Sun shows us what we tend to put first in our life, so its opposing point is an indication of what we have a tendency to neglect. For instance, if our Sun is placed in the seventh house of relationships we will be inclined to place our partner・s wishes above our own. At times the giving up of our own desires in order to please our partner can lead us to become non-persons, so we need to learn to do things on our own in order to maintain harmony within our lives.

While the Moon refers to emotions, mother figures and women in general, the anti-Lunar point shows where there we need to show more rational behaviour. For example, if our natal Moon is placed in twelfth house then we may find that whether we like it or not, some women will cause problems for us in one way or another. One man, who has a Taurean Moon placed in his twelfth house does not have any difficulties with women per se, but has lamented the fact that there are few women in his place of work. Any feelings or emotions that we may have can be problematic if not tempered with a bit of reason. To alleviate this, we should view situations in a logical fashion to avoid disappointments, which can arise if our expectations are too high.

While Mercury rules mental agility, communication and general thinking processes, the anti-Mercurain point highlights those areas we would rather not concentrate on. The anti-Mercurian point shows where we need to take a good look and make a critical analysis regardless of how painful the process may be. For example, if our Mercury is placed in the sign of Aquarius we will have a tendency to think in abstract ways that may not be compatible to others. In order to communicate more effectively we need to make concerted efforts to focus our communications to the subject at hand so that we do not appear to others to be rambling.

Venus symbolises love, beauty, art and grace in our lives. It indicates how we view love and the type of people we form relationships with. The anti-Venusian point relates to those areas where we fall out of love or look objectively at what is in front of us. Because love is blind, the opposing point of Venus enables us to open our eyes and view those things we enjoy. Perhaps this is why it was dubbed the Part of Divorce because when the initial rush of love has diminished and we are able to see what our partner is really like, we may make a conscious decision to dissolve the union.

While Mars represents action, involvement and growth, the anti-Martian point shows where the least amount of assertive involvement lies. For example, if Mars is placed in Cancer then we will tend to put a lot of energy into caring for others. Its opposing point shows that we will be more successful if we take a passive stance when dealing with authority figures.

While Jupiter represents expansion, wealth, abundance and wisdom, the anti-Jupiterian point shows where constrictions and scarcity can be found. For example, if Jupiter is placed in the sign of Capricorn we will encounter much restriction throughout the course of our day-to-day activities, but its opposing point indicates that we have so much responsibility that we often miss out on being able to relax and put our faith into the efforts of others.

While natal Saturn represents responsibilities, restrictions and lessons we must learn, the anti-Saturnine point is, however, one place where we need to focus our attention and freely give of ourselves. For example, if Saturn is posited in Aquarius then we may encounter lessons with regard to our associations. It is for this reason that we need to learn to give as freely to those we love, because at the end of the day, those people are the ones who will be there when the chips are down.

While Uranus indicates individuality and freedom in the natal chart, the anti-Uranian point shows where freedom and expression can be lacking. If Uranus is posited in Leo, we will use a bit of flare when expressing our creativity and can be fickle with those we love. We need to, however, to remain unwavering with regard to our goals to give us stability when we are the most vulnerable.

Neptune instils illusion, idealism, sacrifice and elements of dreaminess into the natal chart. The anti-Neptunian point forces us down to earth. If Neptune is posited in Scorpio we can often be misled when it comes to our sexuality, and it is for this reason that we need to seek out those partners who are hopelessly honest.

Pluto represents transformation, rebirth, extremes and even death. The anti-Plutonian point shows where growth can be lacking and a concerted effort to transform needed or change will likely be made for us. If Pluto, for example, is placed in Virgo we may find that we can lose our job either through our own or another・s choice. Because this can be traumatic to some, we need to stay optimistic and have faith that a better position will come to us when we least expect it.