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as an Alternative Predictive Tool

by: Tracy Porter

Copyright 1999

Many astrologers who write for the masses erect a solar chart and place the Sun on the first house, or Ascendant. Therefore, instead of the Sun representing the character of a person as it is reflected in the natal chart, it is given attributes of personality and behavior, which is considered to be the role of the Ascendant in Western Astrology.

While astrology columns have done much to promote interest in this field, many people are quite dismissive because they feel the predictions given in newspapers, magazines and books are not accurate for them personally. These people cannot be faulted for their attitudes because unless one was born at approximately 6:00 in the morning is highly unlikely that a horoscope based upon the solar chart would bear much relevance to his life.

One way to get around the dilemma of providing accurate predictive readings for the masses is to focus on the aspects made by the transiting planets instead of the actual solar houses they transit. House cusps are very useful tools which glean valuable insight when casting a chart for a person when his time of birth is known, but can give misleading indications when the time of birth is unknown or inaccurate. For example, a person who was born at 6:00am would have a Rising Sign very close to his Sun and would therefore tend to behave in a manner similar to his character, but another person born on the same day at 6:00pm would have his Sun opposing his Ascendant and would find that his actions would often contradict his true nature.

Although there are limitless aspects a transiting or progressed planet can make, for the purpose of simplicity only those aspects of 30 degree increments need be used to predict for the public. This is not to infer that aspects such as the semisquare and quintile are any less relevant, but they are a little more difficult to see at a glance and therefore should be used when a more personalized probe of celestial influences is warranted. The aspects most commonly used when giving general predictions are:-

a) Conjunction
b) semisextile
c) sextile
d) square
e) trine
f) qunicux
g) opposition

The conjunction occurs when a transiting planet occupies the same sign as the natal Sun, with both points blending together to behave as one planet. The conjunction relates to matters and persons ruled by the 1st house.

The semisextile occurs when the transiting planet is one sign away from the natal Sun. With this aspect the person is given an opportunity for growth because he is confronted with situations where he must leave his comfort zone and do things he has never done before. It relates to possessions, personal finances, the past, the subconscious, and matters and persons associated with the 2nd and 12th houses.

The sextile occurs when the transiting planet is two signs away from the natal Sun. It is a favorable aspect which brings with it opportunities and matters concerning communication, relatives, travel, friends, and goals. It relates to matters and persons associated with the 3rd and 11th houses.

The square occurs when the transiting planet is three signs away from the natal Sun. It is a stressful aspect which can bring about personal achievement through perseverance and hard work. Obstacles will present themselves which need to be overcome regarding parents, home, career or reputation. This aspects relates to persons and matters associated with the 4th and 10th houses.

The trine occurs when the transiting planet is four signs away from the natal Sun. It is a favorable aspect which brings about a great flow of energy, with many opportunities for success abounding. However, because of the ease with which energy flows through this aspect, laziness can set in unless other stabilizing celestial influences are present. Areas relating to children, love affairs, speculation, philosophies, distant places and education are reflected, and matters and persons associated with the 5th and 9th houses are indicated by the trine.

The quincunx occurs when the transiting planet is five signs away from the natal Sun. This aspect brings with it some stressful situations because reorganization and adjustments to the status quo are often required. This aspect covers work, duty, health, taxes, inheritances, the occult and joint ventures. Matters and persons associated with the 6th and 8th houses are indicated by the qunicux.

The opposition occurs when the transiting planet is 6 signs away from the natal sun. It can be a stressful aspect because the person in question will be confronted with opposing forces he must face and work through to allow growth. Because of the nature of this aspect he may sustain a loss in a personal relationship as he encounters these issues, but if skillfully handled, he will be immensely rewarded for any sacrifices he has to make. This aspect relates to matters and persons associated with the 7th house.

Because aspect analysis is based upon the Sun as it appears in the flat chart and interprets the aspect made with the house implied through its geometric angle, it will likely yield more accurate results for a large group of people than the solar method. The best way to judge this method is to use it and see for yourself.