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by: Tracy Porter

Copyright 1997

Our modern zodiac is based upon the concept of 12 signs which help to encompass a diverse set of traits we can identify with. Because the 12 signs pieced together form a zodiacal wheel, they are divided into six complimentary axes which help us to achieve harmony in our lives. The most apparent use of axial alignments can be perceived when interpreting the aspect called the opposition which occurs when a planet or point directly opposes another planet or point, thus bringing conflict which helps us to grow and evolve as human beings. The nodal axis, which is an example of such alignments, is considered to be of karmic influence as the North Node relate to what we must strive for in this life while the South Node emphasises what we have mastered in previous incarnations.

The Aries-Libra axis forces us to look at how our own personal goals fit in with those of our partner. Those who are centred predominantly on the Aries side of the axis may have difficulty in their personal relationships because they are so focused on their own ambitions that their partner may feel ignored. Those who are centred predominantly on the Libra side of the axis may sometimes feel that their dreams have not been realised as they have sacrificed their own goals to accede to others.

The Taurus-Scorpio axis forces us to look at our possessions and how they relate to our lifestyle. Those who lean primarily on the Taurean side of the axis will tend to focus primarily on the process of accumulating wealth with little regard to its more implicit meanings. Those who are centred primarily on the Scorpio side of the axis will tend to concentrate on going into partnership with and care little for creating wealth independently.

The Gemini-Sagittarius axis gives us cause to reflect on how we communicate with others. Because the vast majority of us must co-operate with others so that our daily lives will run smoothly, we must adequately communicate our needs in order to achieve our desires. Those who are focused primarily on the Gemini side of the axis will concentrate on their immediate surroundings with little interest on what is happening in the world at large. Those who are focused primarily on the Sagittarian end of the axis may find themselves so wrapped up in world affairs that they may not be aware of events going on the their very own backyard.

The Cancerian-Capricorn axis gives us cause to reflect upon our status and responsibilities in life. Those who are centred predominantly on the Cancerian side of the axis will find themselves heavily involved with family and may actually forfeit their own career goals in the process. Those who are centred predominantly on the Capricorn side the axis may excel in their climb up their career ladder, but find their personal lives lacking in satisfaction.

The Leo-Aquarius axis places a great deal of emphasis on the love we give versus the love we receive because we all need to relax and enjoy ourselves with someone who we care about. Those who are focused primarily on the Leonine side of the axis will concern themselves primarily with children, pets and love, and will consequently find that they do not have a great deal of time to develop a social life. Those who are focused on the Aquarian side of the axis may find that they spend so much time networking with like minded individuals that they have neglected the creative side of themselves.

The Virgoan-Piscean axial alignment causes us to analyse the work that we do in relation to how we are evolving as spiritual beings. Those who are centred primarily on the Virgoan end of the axis tend to concentrate on attaining spiritual enlightenment through the routine methodology involved in the process of serving others, and as a consequence may have little time to reflect on what transpires beyond that elusive veil of consciousness we currently reside in. Those who find themselves centred on the Piscean end of the axis are dreamers of this world who spend so much time meditating on universal principals that they may have difficulty concentrating on day-to-day obligations which must invariably be met.