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By: Tracy Porter
Copyright 2000
The entire first chapter of the first book of the Bible, Genesis, describes creation, time, seasons, the universal time clock, with the Sun, Moon and stars as working parts. While Genesis states that the world was created in seven days, it is highly likely that the translation process changed the original word ‘phase’ to the word ‘day’, which were very similar in meaning.
Because it is not known exactly when our world was created, it is believed that it came into being around 12 to 13 thousand years ago and coincided with the last ice age. This time frame corresponds with the major cataclysm that brought about the great flood.
The first chapter in Genesis introduces the concept of elements into the Bible as he stated; ‘Let their be light (fire)… firmament (air)….. water….. and dry land (earth)’. Since the very beginning God instructed them to study the cosmic cycles and organised their individuals and social lives in harmony with those cycles (Genesis 1:14-19). Thus as Adam and Eve obeyed God in other matters like the practice of animal sacrifices (following the example that God set before them when he killed some animal to make clothes for them) we may assume that they did obey him in this matter also.
Now we must comprehend that the Earth before the great flood was different from the present world that we know. Humans were potentially more intelligent and physically powerful; but because of the lack of a highly developed and organised social system, some developed the potential fully while others became corrupted in their ways, becoming almost like beasts. Also, as the traditional interpretation of Genesis 6:1-2 says, extraterrestrial beings (known within the Bible as celestial messengers (angels)) visited the earth on those days and cohabited with human females. Their offspring became the giants and heroes of mythology that we study today(Genesis 6:4).
This prediluvial world had an entirely different climate than what we are accustomed to today. The Earth was covered with a canopy of water that protected the environment and maintained a constant temperature around the globe, giving minimal seasonal variations. The seasonal variation was minimal. In this prediluvial world and under these social conditions, Astrology was born and developed. The great flood, however, dramatically changed the Earth, and the remaining individuals were forced to adopt an entirely different strategy of living if they hoped to survive.
From the biblical narrative we may conclude that Noah and his sons were not intellectuals or scientists; thus, their understanding of Astrology must have been limited. However, as their offspring multiplied and spread throughout the Earth, the remembrance of Astrology as a great science of the past must have spread with them. As their descendants came in contact with the astrological monuments remaining from the prediluvial era, they approached them not with a scientific, but a religious mind, treating them as objects of worship instead of instruments of measurement.
Thus, what had been a science became a mystery religion inherited from the ‘past’ and based upon the ‘wisdom’ of the ancient ‘masters’.
This, of course, is a theory seeking to explain the origin of Astrology within a biblical framework.
In the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, stars are referred to 21 times, the Sun is referenced 17 times, the Moon is referenced eight times, and the heavens are referenced 29 times. While the King James Version of the Bible uses the term ‘wise men’ to denote astrologers, some more recent translations now actually use the correct terminology for what the men actually were.
One verse in the Bible that relates specifically to astrology is Habakkuk 3.11, where it reads:-
‘The Sun raised high its hands; the Moon stood still in its exalted place at the light of your arrows speeding by, at the gleam of your flashing spear. When the scripture stated that the Moon stood still in its exalted place, it refers to the fact that when the Moon is in the 3rd degree of Taurus, it is exalted by sign and degree.