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By Tracy Porter

Copyright 2001

Many of you may not be aware of this, but I had the misfortune to marry a very disturbed man who used illicit sxual activities as the outlet for his neurosis/psychosis. Although I would love nothing better than to name and shame, for legal reasons I will just call the individual concerned Mr R.

This chart is helpful because it can give the reader a greater understanding of the makings of a disturbed person. It is important to note, however, that we all have free will and Mr R had the choice to use the energies that were inherent at his birth, positively or negatively. Therefore, not all individuals who have a chart similar to his will necessarily be inclined to commit the acts that he did. We all have the right to choose how we want to live our lives, regardless of the astrological implications of our natal chart. Mr R, unfortunately, chose to take the more sinister path of life.

The first thing that is noticeable about this chart is the fact that there are only 4 harmonious aspects and 10 stressful ones, which shows quite clearly that Mr R has encountered a great deal of stress in his life.

Since the Sun reveals Mr R’s character, it is worth mentioning that it is in the sign of Scorpio, the sign of sx. The Sun forming a conjunct to Venus shows that he is possessed with natural good looks, which makes it easier for him to meet potential sxual partners. Venus gives him a sense of charm and people who don’t know him can easily take him into their confidence. People who don’t know Mr R can genuinely think that he is really a nice guy.

The Sun forming a square to his Pluto shows that his personal relationships are of an extreme, if not obscene nature. He has a desire for revenge and will pursue it at all costs if he feels slighted in any way. This aspect shows that he is drawn to foreign born partners, but the relationships are fraught with so many difficulties that it is unlikely that they will succeed. Both of his wives were of different nationalities.

The Sun/Venus conjunction forms an opposition to Mars, which puts pressure on his ability to express this sxuality. One of the first things Mr R told me on our first date was that he loved sx. I do not think that was necessarily true. What would have been a more appropriate sentiment was that he hated sx, but had a very strong compulsion to engage in it.

The next significant planet is the Moon, which governs his emotional state the relationship with his mother. Mr R had a very bizarre relationship with his mother, which is evidenced by Pluto forming an opposition to the Moon. There is no doubt that abuse took place, particularly of a sxual nature. Mr R told me that his mother smothered him until he was 5 years old and went to school. There is absolutely no doubt that he was physically abused, but the fact that he has some rather obscene predilections indicates that there is a possibility of maternal sxual abuse as well.

The Moon/Pluto opposition strongly shows that Mr R’s mother was a menacing influence on his personal relations. Mr R’s mother said and did some very evil and wicked things specifically to hurt me, and these actions played a huge role in the break-up of our marriage. Mr R and I were so incompatible that we would probably have gone our separate ways without her interference. Her actions did, however, bring forth a great deal of resentment and animosity that clearly was not necessary.

The Moon forming a square to Mercury indicates that Mr R allowed his emotions to get in the way of his reasoning ability. He had difficulty coping with many situations in his life, and therefore made up a lot of stories to compensate for problems that he had with himself.

Mr R’s Moon forming a trine to Jupiter and Neptune in the eighth house indicates that there was a very strong flow of energy with regard to his emotions. Mr R is very much a risk taker and can live in a world of dreams. Neptune in Scorpio indicates that many of his fantasies are of a sxual nature, and obscene sx at that.

Mercury forming a trine to Uranus indicates that Mr R changes his mind a lot, especially with regard to his personal relationships. This little known fact became all too apparent to this astrologer, as he broke promise after promise until he became totally unreliable. The Moon, Mercury, Pluto configuration indicates that it was very easy for him to fabricate a whole array of stories and alibis to tell people whenever he is in a bind. Because he is such a quick thinker, some people don’t catch on to his antics until it is too late. The dark side of the Mercury/Uranus/Moon configuration is that if Mr R is ever backed into a corner, he will blame either his mother or his partner, whoever is the most convenient. Mr R has also found that it is advantageous to keep his mother and partner separated from each other so they cannot compare notes, and therefore does his best to make sure that a wedge is driven between the two, thus helping to prolong is live of crime.

Venus forming a square in Scorpio indicates that one of his sxual offences involved driving around in his car and masturbating in public places. You cannot get more Venus in Scorpio in the ninth house than that. Of course, Mr R could have chosen to use this planetary placement positively, but he chose instead to take the more malefic route.

Venus forming a square to Pluto further intensifies the pressure that has been put upon Mr R. Pluto in Virgo in the seventh house indicates that his personal relationships are likely to be barren. If he stays in a partnership, it will have died long before the formalities have been sorted out. This was especially so in my case and I suspect it is also the case with his first wife.

The Venus square Pluto aspects indicates that another relationship brought about the demise of his formal relationship. Although I was not aware of it at the time, Mr R was already seeing other women when we had been married as little as six months. In addition, while he was not spending money on me, he was certainly spending it on the other women, to include evenings in hotel rooms.

Venus forming an opposition to mars indicates a further ambivalence towards Mr R’s sxuality. Although he said that he was a homophobe, the simple fact that he preferred women who had little or not body fat indicates that he preferred a sxual partner that had either adolescent or boyish qualities. Mr R is also a misogynist, as evidenced by the way he has treated the women in his life.

Mars forms a square to Uranus in the seventh house places further stress on his personal relationship. part of this indicates the arguments about money, where he forced both of his wives to be financially independent when that is not what they wanted. The other part, again, places on ambivalence towards his sxuality. Mr R chose women, which is what society expected of him, but in the progress tried to transform them into beings that they were not and tried to instil in them adolescent qualities.

Mars forms an opposition to Jupiter in Scorpio. This placement is emphasised by the fact that he was able to purchase his father’s house at a really cheap price, which would not have been possible if his father had not died.

Mars forms a quincunx to Saturn, which further states the ambivalence he felt towards his father, who had health problems and died prematurely of lung cancer.

Jupiter forming a square to Uranus indicates that there were some sxual difficulties in his personal relationship, and he could suddenly change his mind about the relationship, especially with regard to money. Mr R views marriage as a way to acquire wealth from his partner. When there is no money forthcoming, the he is not interested in the relationship anymore.

Saturn forms a quincunx to Mr R’s Mars, which indicates there are some health issues with regard to his sxuality. Mr R has also had to change jobs at least once because he feared that people would discover his sxual offences. His father also plays a significant role in this scenario. Mr R bit his nails and his father tried to get him to stop. With this in mind, it is obvious that he cared a great deal about his son and his habits.

Neptune forms a sxtile to Pluto so, which indicates that Mr R had entertained some very obscene fantasies. In addition, these very fantasies have put a strain on his personal relationships because his expectations of his partner are way too unrealistic. Unfortunately, in my case, Mr R’s fantasies and predilections are the primary thing that destroyed our marriage.

Mr R’s nodal axis is on the Aries/Libra, 2nd/8th house cusps. The South Node indicates what he was born to and has acquired in past lives, while the North Node indicates what he must learn. The South Node in the 2nd house indicates that he was born into a violent (Aries) home with nothing . His North Node indicates that he must learn to accede to his partner and share. During the time that I knew him, the had still not learned his lessons in this life. He was take, take, take, especially when dealing with his partners, but never learned to share the good fortune with others. He selected a job that would enable him to earn more money, but was separated from his partner and was therefore not able to cultivate a relationship with her. Mr R had the opportunity to accept a job that would pay less money and allow him to spend more time with his partner. If he had done this, his partner may have been inclined to give more of herself to him if she had felt that he was committed to the relationship.

Saturn is the Lord of Karma and shows some of the lessons that Mr R needs to learn in this life. With Saturn placed in Sagittarius in the 10th house, it indicates that he will only be respected outside of his own hometown. This is particularly true, as when he was a child growing up, he had such a bad reputation that he was the prime suspect in any petty crimes that had been committed. At the age of 16, when he joined the Army, for the first time he developed friends, progressed through the ranks, and achieved a little acclaim in his life. Quite out of the blue, Mr R gave up his military career and moved back home with his mother, and things just went downhill from there.

The twelfth house refers to karma and past life influences because Capricorn is on the cusp of Mr R’s 12th house, big business, structure and organisation are what can bring about his downfall. Case in point, Mr R had a great deal of difficulty coping with working in business, even though that is what he told me that is what he wanted to do. Interestingly enough, my natal Sun in placed in Mr R’s 12th house, which indicates that for some reason, I was destined to meet him. One thing is for sure, though, he sure did harm me.

* * *
In 2003, as I prepared this file for inclusion on my website, I remembered what had happened when I wrote this piece. As you, the reader know, for legal reasons I cannot reveal the name of the man I married, so very few people will ever know the identity of this person. It was with extreme upset, however, when I turned on my computer in 2001, after I had written the piece, to find that someone had gotten into my computer and put a huge x in the place where the chart was supposed to be.

I was astonished that such a thing should happen and at the time I knew my ex-husband had broken into my rented room and had modified the piece. You may think that it is all in my mind that he should do such a thing, but any victim of domestic violence can tell you horror stories far more extreme than mine about the lengths that men will go to in an attempt to exert total control over their victim. I am not going to go into great length about what happened because the many things that this monster did to harm me are chronicled my autobiographical work, Blind to the Molesting Hands, written under the pen name of Krystal Love. I will say, however, that after my ex-husband took my career, my job, my life savings and my relationship with my son from me; that was not enough. After he had done all that, he decided to hire a private detective to track me down on the pretence of giving me some money. My ex-husband never gave me a penny while we were married, so it was completely incredulous that he should claim to want to give me money when we were divorced. I knew fully well that he had no intention of giving me money, but it was malice that was in his heart.

Therefore, when someone broke into my computer and placed a big fat x where the chart was supposed to be, I knew instinctively that it was my ex-husband, especially since strange things had been happening recently, such as people going to my place of work to harass me, nuisance calls, and strangers walking up to me in the street to ask me the most inane questions, such as, “Do you know where I can get a bite to eat?”, when I was standing in the town centre of Reading!

As fate would have it, unfortunately, I am a nutter magnet. Not only were both my husbands severely disturbed, but people I have been forced to live with out of necessity have been maniacal. It just so happens that I had just a few weeks previously moved in with the local paedophile. This man is on the management committee of the housing association that I am a member of and possessed a key to my room. He was also a self confessed Jehovah’s Witness and was totally anti-astrology (but of course molesting children was quite all right by his way of thinking). Anyway, I will never know who exactly it was who broke into my room and defaced my article. It could have been my deranged ex-husband who likes to go around raping women and exposing himself, or it could be the equally deranged local paedophile who lives in my neighbourhood. I will never know exactly. Both individuals are equally distasteful.