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by: Tracy Porter

Copyright 1998

Partners, who are ruled by the 7th house are not to be confused with lovers, who are ruled by the 5th house of the horoscope. Lovers are those we are especially attracted to but do not necessarily form a lasting bond with. Those lovers who would like to take the liaison one step further to accept responsibility for each other as depicted in the 6th house and then commit as reflected in the 7th house are the ones to look for when a lasting union is desired.

In the your natal chart, your partner’s house placements with any corresponding planetary aspects are:-

The nodal axis is an excellent indicator of whether a union is a soulmate bond. If the two persons in question have their nodal axis posited in the same sign or house this indicates the there is much work to be done on a karmic level to resolve some residual issues that the pair have raised in previous lives.

Venus, the planet of marriage, partnerships and that which we are fond of rules the 7th house of the horoscope and is a major indicator of the type of person we are likely to marry because it shows what we find attractive. It is important to look at the sign and house Venus is posited in to better understand our mate. For example, if Venus is in its exalted sign of Pisces then the people we are attracted to are illusive and difficult to get to know. The 7th house in the chart rules marriage itself and is one of the most important indicators of what any potential partners will be like for any individual. Any planets posited in the chart add flavour to specific characteristics to look for in a future mate.

Mars, the planet of our sexuality, plays an important role in determining who our marital partners will be. The house and sign that this planet is posited in is significant when looking for a partner because studies have shown that couples who engage in sexual activity less than once a month have a much higher incidence of divorce than those who copulate with greater frequency. Therefore, sexual compatibility is important in determining the longevity of a union.

The Sun and Moon are key factors when looking for potential partners. The Sun represents the animus or our masculine self while the Moon governs the anima or our feminine self. In many instances the most significant male present in our early development is our father as represented by the Sun, and the prime female role model in the early part of our lives is our mother who is represented by the Moon. Therefore because our parents play such a significant part in helping to formulate our emotional selves, it is only natural that they would consequently have an effect on the partners we choose. It should therefore come as no surprise to find that we often marry people who are much like our parents. In a man, the sign and house his Moon is posited in will give a clue as to the types of women he is subconsciously attracted to and in a woman, the sign and house her Sun is placed in will indicate what types of men she will be drawn to.