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Positivity & Negativity of Each Sign

By: Tracy Porter

Copyright 1999

The 12 signs in the western zodiac create a whole and relate to specific areas of our lives. It is all too easy to develop a preference to one sign over another based on preconceived notions that have been developed in an attempt to simplify its more complex principles. As a general rule, the air and fire elements work harmoniously with one another and the earth and water triplicates relate well together. These basic tenets are useful when giving a quick analysis, but an in depth look needs to be made to more fully understand how each sign relates to another.

The solstice points of water signs are air signs. The signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces tend to rely on feelings, emotion and intuition to get through life. Their solstice points in Gemini, Aquarius and Libra respectively instils them with analytical thought processes to help formulate ideas into understandable modes of communication.

The solstice points in earth signs are fire signs. The signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn have a no-nonsense, practical approach to life. Their respective solstice points in the signs of Leo, Aries and Sagittarius give them the creative impulse to develop projects and the drive to achieve goals.

The solstice points in air signs are water signs. The air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius intellectualise their thinking processes to try to effectively communicate with others. Their respective solstice points in Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio indicate that there is much feeling in their interactions, making them more sincere in dealings with others.

The solstice points of fire signs are earth signs. The fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius have a lot of creative energy, which allows them to be the movers and shakers of this world. Their respective solstice points in Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn give them the stability and persistence to turn dreams into reality.

Some novices to astrology naturally assume that a Taurus will automatically get along with a Virgo because they are both earth signs and an Aquarius will relate well with a Libra because they are both air signs. Perplexion can arise when two supposedly harmonious signs seem to be incompatible, such as when a Leo and a Taurus get together or an Aquarius and a Scorpio unite. The reason for this is because each sign has both positive and negative qualities. It is highly unrealistic to assume that just because one sign is theoretically incompatible to another that catastrophe will result and just because one sign is theoretically compatible to another that good fortune will ensue. This little known fact was especially true in the case of an Aquarian whose Sun trined her mother-in-law’s Sun to the degree and minute. Instead of the trine incorporating good relations, feelings of jealousy and animosity toward each other prevailed.

The quality of a sign determines its compatibility as well as element. The cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are cardinal and therefore quite direct in their approach, and will not be ill at ease with the forcefulness of other signs. The fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are quite steadfast and unshakeable in their resolve. The fixed signs, in their refusal to vacillate makes them appropriate companions through life. The mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are highly adaptable, and for that reason can harmonise with each other as well as adjust to the needs of the other signs

Each sign forms an aspect to the other eleven in entirely different ways. Contrary to popular belief, tense aspects such as the square and opposition can produce beneficial results, while easy aspects such as the trine and sextile can bring about misfortune. The horoscope is not set in stone, but is a fluid blueprint that gives us an indication of our major life plan. It would be an extremely dull and limited world if we only interacted with compatible signs and stayed away from the signs that give us an avenue for growth. Therefore, we will automatically be attracted to people who, while not necessarily in synergy with us, nonetheless give us opportunities to achieve more than what we would otherwise he inclined to.

The sign opposite, or seven signs away, plays an important part when assessing sign compatibility. Because a sign lies on the axis of the sign opposing it, it inherently possesses qualities of its complement. The sign opposite our own sign is typically what we look for in a partner because it has the qualities that we seek.

Earth and water signs are complimentary. It is for that reason that Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn can be quite sentimental in a demure sort of way. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces possess a great deal of common sense, which makes them very good at business negotiations.

Fire and air signs are complimentary. It is for that reason that Gemini, Libra and Aquarius possess a great amount of flair when communicating. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are able to conceptualise their creative ideas.

Aries is a cardinal fire sign that rules the energetic forces in our lives. It gives us the impetuous to express ourselves and form our own identity. Aries’ solstice is Virgo, giving it a sense of modesty in its ambition to succeed. Aries’ compliment is Libra, giving it the ability to form partnerships in its quest for success. Negatively, Aries can be selfish and will hot hesitate to step on others to achieve its goals.

Taurus is a fixed earth sign that is firmly grounded in the here and now of reality. This sign is reliable and patient, making it very dependable. Taures’es solstice is in Leo, giving it some magnanimous qualities. Taurus’s compliment is Scorpio, giving it a very long memory with regard to past wounds and hurts. Negatively, Taurus can be quite greedy, as it attempts to hold onto everything that it sees.

Gemini is a mutable air sign that can be changeable in how it relates to others. This sign is versatile, which makes it adaptable to the other 12 signs, thereby harmoniously interacting with others. Its solstice is in the sign of Cancer, thus giving it many caring qualities. Gemini’s compliment is Sagittarius, which shows that it has some rather far-reaching ideas and can be somewhat affluent. Negatively, Gemini suffers from nervousness and as a result, cannot stay in one place for any length of time.

Cancer is a cardinal water sign that is extremely protective of its home, as the family is all-important. Cancer’s solstice is in the sign of Gemini, thus making it a good communicator. Cancer’s compliment is Capricorn, making it rather reserved and often reluctant to show its true feelings. Negatively, Cancer can suffer from anxiety and as a result can appear moody at times.

Leo is a fixed fire sign that makes a resounding impact wherever it goes. Leo is so bold that it tends to be the life and soul of any gathering. Leo’s solstice is in Taurus, indicating that a need to possess is paramount with this sign. Leo’s compliment is Aquarius, giving it a friendly disposition so that it can gain allies. Negatively, Leo can be somewhat self-centred and as a result can neglect others.

Virgo is a mutable earth sign that is modest in its approach to day-to-day activities. This sign is mentally agile and can be quite fastidious. Because it is adaptable, it is very easy for this sign to get along well with the other eleven signs in the zodiac. Virgo’s solstice is in Aries, and for this reason it can appear forceful at times. Virgo’s compliment is Pisces, so behind that down to earth veneer lies a highly spiritual being. Negatively, Virgo can be overly critical and tends to interfere in the affairs of others.

Libra is a cardinal air sign that can be quite direct when communicating. This sign is very relationship oriented and therefore tends to make everyone it comes in contact with feel as if they are special. Because Libra is in the element of air, it can relate quite easily with the other eleven signs in the zodiac. Libra’s solstice is Pisces, and it is for this reason that it is idealistic and can suffer from depression. Libra’s compliment is Aries, making it rather forceful in its quest for the perfect relationship. Negatively, this sign has difficulty making a decision and can place too much emphasis on aesthetics.

Scorpio is a fixed water sign that is extremely intense. This sign spends a great deal of time in introspection and for that reason can develop a paranoia complex if appropriate support mechanisms are not in place. Scorpio’s solstice is in the sign of Aquarius, thus instilling a sense of uniqueness in it. Scorpio’s compliment is Taurus, which instils it with a desire for opulence, preferably through its partner. Negatively, Scorpio can be obsessive, compulsive and very vindictive.

Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign that is quite far thinking. It seeks to gain greater understanding from its life experiences. Because of its flexibility, this sign is able to develop a rapport with the other eleven. Sagittarius’s solstice is in the sign of Capricorn, which instils it with business acumen in order to acquire wealth. Sagittarius’s compliment is Gemini, giving it a highly talkative disposition. Negatively, it can give advice when it isn’t asked for or appreciated.

Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign that can be forcibly practical. This sign rules business and government, and is very structured in its approach to life. Capricorn’s solstice is in Sagittarius, giving it a sense of humour. Capricorn’s compliment is cancer, which indicates that underneath that somewhat cold exterior lies a sentimental soul. Negatively, this sign can lack flexibility and actually lose out in the end.

Aquarius is a fixed air sign that tends to be very well informed. This highly original sign seeks to be friends with everyone. Because this sign is in the air element, it can speak freely and easily form friendships with the other eleven signs in the zodiac. Aquarius’s solstice is in the sign of Scorpio, which instils in it deep-seated emotions witnessed only by the very observant. Aquarius’s compliment is Leo, giving it a great deal of pride. Negatively, Aquarius is so original in its thinking that it can often be considered eccentric.

Pisces is a mutable water sign that can be quite changeable in how it feels about things. This sign is quite psychic and therefore has the ability to intuitively perceive people and situations. This sign’s changability allows it to adapt to the foibles of the other eleven signs, thus creating important alliances. Pisces compliment is Virgo, making it very industrious. Pisces’ solstice is in the sign of Libra, thus instilling it with the need to form close relationships.