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it's OLDSTUFF, just like the title, subdirectory, and URL say.

UPDATE FOR 1.26.2000

No more quote of the day! too difficult to get online and mess with the page that often. But I am adding a section that will be fairly easy to maintain, and easy sounds pretty damn good to me right now!

It's a lyrics interpretation page, where you *yes you* can send to me *yes me* what GOO lyrics mean to you, what you think they represent, etc. Right now, I'm looking for Slide interpretations. email me with ideas. let me know if you want your name and email address posted. thanks for contributing!

UPDATE FOR 1.23.2000

I added a quote of the day archive, with a whole ONE QUOTE!!! lol

UPDATE FOR 1.22.2000

Well, it's my birthday today! Steph turns 16!!!

And what better way to commemorate such a momentous event than......STUDYING FOR MIDTERMS!!! that's right, I'm swamped, which is why I haven't been updating. but I did add a new feature, quote of the day, so enjoy that, k??? don't be picky, it's all you're gonna get!

UPDATE FOR 1.11.2000

I've actually started adding QUOTES, which is, well, what the page is supposed to be ABOUT.

So for my first real installment, we've got a page of Mike quotes, which I think are hilarious. Tomorrow I'll add quotes about music, and quotes the Goos said about themselves.

Here are the Mike Quotes


I've added a new section, a question of the day (or whenever I update next). Today's question can be found right here. It's a question about a random picture I found, and I'm not sure what its connection to the Goos is. So check it out, cause I'm really really curious!

UPDATE FOR 1.8.2000

Added my transcript for the Delaware show. If you were like me and didn't go, at least you can read about it. (but none of you have to feel guilty about it, because I actually LIVE in Delaware--yes, people DO live in Delaware!--and the concert was 15 MINUTES AWAY and I MISSED IT!!! AAAHHH!!!)

UPDATE FOR 1.7.2000

I'm working on a new project for this page, which is a section that transcribes concerts. I've got recordings of two so far, and I'm gonna listen to them carefully and type up all the stories. I have Towson (from MP3) and Delaware (from May 99)...if you have a lot of free time and a concert, email me, and I'll let you know if I need it. I always love helpers!!!

UPDATE FOR 1.1.2000

So, the Goo Goo Dolls had an OUTstanding performance last night, which will be rerunning tomorrow, so check local listings. They have interview clips throughout the show, and 2 performances, and they were also blessed enough to be permitted to introduce Christina Aguilera, and we all know what an honor THAT is, lol.


so the Goos cancelled their plans to be on MTV's party plane??? then where did THIS picture come from???

that's our boys in front of Buckingham Palace with Fly2K what's up??? anyone out there know??? because I am clueless...

UPDATE FOR 12.28.99

update, update...hmmm...

not that I actually have anything to say, but I needed an update...

ok, here's a new fun game! you're now allowed to link to me! yes, I know it sounds too good to be true, but I do not jest!!! (I way overestimate the value of my crappy little page...)

how can you join in on all the fun??? simply click here

also, I added a brand new link on my links page. It's a great page by Amanda called dizziness, so go check it out!

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