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Interview with Professor Bruce Duckman, the father of Stuie Duckman.

Name: Bruce James Duckman.
Age: 39.
Race: Duck.
Birthday: June 21.
Height: 6'0".
Weight: 203 lmbs.
Birthplace: Boston, MA.

Sara: Heya, Prof.

Prof. Duckman: Hey, Sara.

Sara: What's up?

Prof. Duckman: Not a whole lot.

Sara: Well, how are the wife, kids & pets?

Prof. Duckman: Oh, they're doin' fine.

Sara: So, what do you do for a living?

Prof. Duckman: I'm a rocket scientist & inventor.

Sara: Ya don't say. Must be pretty neat having an inventor for a dad.

Prof. Duckman: That's what the kids think.

Sara: And it must be pretty handy for Scrooge to have an inventor right next door.

Prof. Duckman: Yeah, sometimes I invent for Mr. McDuck, but Gyro does most of it.

Sara: I see.

Prof. Duckman: But Gyro Gearloose happens to be an old friend of mine. Why, we go back to high school, he was called Gyro that sounds like "hero" while everyone called me B.J.

Sara: (Chuckles)

Prof. Duckman: Ahh, those were the days before I married Josephine. Anyways, I lived with her for 19 years.

Sara: Ya don't say.

Prof. Duckman: Nope. And if someone says anything trashy about vegans, I'm usually the first to stand up for 'em since my wife happens to be a vegan.

Sara: Good for you!

Prof. Duckman: Thanks. I think I'm one of those guys that like 3 of everything, 3 kids, 3 pets, 3 cars, 3 phones, 3 storage spaces, you name it.

Sara: Which spaces do you keep storage anyway?

Prof. Duckman: Well, old stuff like the kids' baby toys & clothes go in the attic, holiday decorations go in the upstairs hall closet and finally extras go in the garage.

Sara: What about the basement?

Prof. Duckman: I put my lab in the basement, and nobody disturbs me in there, well the pets can go down there. I pet-proofed the inventions but I never get around to child-proofing.

Sara: Ah, it happens. So Prof, what are your interests?

Prof. Duckman: Well, my favorite movie is & always has been "The Wizard of Oz".

Sara: Sweet, I love that movie.

Prof. Duckman: And I do a great Scarecrow act. Anyways, I'm into computers, I'm a lot better with 'em than most guys I know. And I'm pretty much good with every electronic known. And then there's my hobbies which are inventing, building models & watching Spielburg flicks.

Sara: Ah, love Spielburg.

Prof. Duckman: Ditto. Well, I'd love to stay but my inventions don't invent themselves.

Sara: Sure thing, Prof. It's been great chattin' with ya.

Prof. Duckman: Oh you too, Sara. Take care now.

Sara: You too, Prof.

Prof. Duckman: Come right back anytime.

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