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Crossover Kingdom


(Almost) All Star Quest for Magus
Fellowship of Mutants
Pokemon: the Chosen Trainers
Extreme Dinos & Street Sharks
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November 2, 2006: All righty, let's see. I've added some new characters to "Ex-Dinos", Hardrock & 2 OCs belonging to a good friend of mine. Also, some new stories on there. And mostly some editing here & there. Oh yeah, I've changed the site's design back to its regular one. Enjoy!
October 21, 2006: Whew! At last, an update. O.K., first off, I modified the site design for Halloween. Also, I did some editing on "(Almost) All-Star Quest for Magus" and got rid of &/or edited a few stories there. And everything else, just editing. Have a Happy Halloween!
September 5, 2006: All righty, the first update of the month. Before I announce what I did, I'd like to say I grieve for the recent losses of Tony Jay (one of my favorites) and the Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwen (I'm not really a fan, but I feel really bad for him). Anyways, I've added a couple new characters to the "Street Sharks/Ex-Dinos" page under "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends", some new villains for (A)ASQFM also a few new stories for there. And I took down the "Villains" & "Guest Stars" polls. May Tony Jay & Steve Irwin both rest in peace.
August 29, 2006: Well, I've finally added my first "Gummi Bears" fanfic, it was supposed to be on yesterday but I must've forgot. Also, the return of the "Favorite Page" poll and a new guest star on "(Almost) All-Star Quest for Magus". This should be the last update of the month.
August 10, 2006: Not a heck of a lot, just a new character for MagiDragons & some editing on that page. And a new poll on the main page. :D Enjoy.
July 23, 2006: All righty, I've finally added some more fics on TMNT/MLP. A new logo for the site and a new pic by me. Also some editing here & there.
July 9, 2006: Lesse, some editing here & there, also in the "Fellowship of Mutants" page, I've added a "Favorite Pony" to the Fellowship, and I finally came up with a page for the Turtles & other guys, though there aren't any bios yet. Oh, speakin' of bios, I've put up Drizzle the gremlin's bio on the "MagiDragons" page. Well, TTYL
July 7, 2006: Another late update. Well, I've added my very first Street Sharks fanfic and mostly some editing here & there. TTYL
June 19, 2006: Happy Birthday to my mom! Finally an update. Some new pages on "Extreme Dinos & Street Sharks" and I've finally decided on crossing over Ex-Dinos with the show "Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends". A new poll on the main page. And just some editing.
May 22, 2006: Uh, lemme see, I finally added more story titles to (Almost) All-Star Quest for Magus and did some editing here & there. There really isn't that much. But, enjoy anyway. :-)
May 11, 2006: Not that much, a page has been made for Extreme Dinos & Street Sharks fanfiction, there's only one there now. But things shall improve sooner or later. Enjoy!
May 3, 2006: New page for secondary OCs on "Street Sharks & Extreme Dinos", I forgot to add that there will be a different poll on the main page every month. ;) L8rz
May 2, 2006: Whew! I've finally got so much on the new "Street Sharks & Extreme Dinos" page, most of which are bios. Oh, I got rid of most of my art for space and most of it can be found on DeviantArt. But enjoy! :-D
April 18, 2006: O.K., there are improvements on the new page "Extreme Dinos & Street Sharks", I got rid of a couple polls on the main page and the site's regular background is back. :-D New art by me, also a link to my DeviantArt on the "Contact me" page. And a page 2 for the updates.

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