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I couldn't think of a better name for this page, but here's a list of which Pokemon the Chosen Trainers have with them & are at the Territory (which is where they go when they get more than six) for Season 3. Zelda, if you're reading this, I hope you don't mind any of it.

Sara, with: Charmander, Drowzee, Tropius, Larvitar, Sneasel & Seviper. At Territory: Flygon, Steelix, Salamence, Mantine, Mr. Mime & Farfetch'd.
Eilony, with: Squirtle, Butterfree, Bellossom, Skitty, Lapras & Ponyta. At Territory: Staryu, Paras, Ditto, Flaaffy & Teddiursa.
Josh, with: Bulbasaur, Choking, Tyrogue, Gyarados, Crawdaunt & Sharpedo. At Territory: Golem, Wailmer, Politoed, Pellipper, Crobat & Pinsir.
Buzz, with: Growlithe (Growler), Nidoking, Houndoom, Kecleon, Sudowoodo & Dragonite. At Territory: Heracross, Xatu, Elekid, Seaking & Rhyhorn.
Gosalyn, with: Seel, Girafarig, Cubone, Kingdra, Mankey & Banette. At Territory: Starmie, Gengar, Breloom, Kadabra & Murkrow.
Louie, with: Sandshrew, Venomoth, Meditite, Smeargle, Machoke & Hitmontop. At Territory: Shellder, Tangela, Porygon2, Lanturn & Magneton.
Charlotte, with: Cyndaquil, Altaria, Poliwhirl, Makuhita, Gardevoir & Grumpig. At Territory: Beautifly, Nosepass, Sableye, Donphan & Cradily.
Stuie, with: Totodile, Electrike, Nidoqueen, Absol, Munchlax & Granbull. At Territory: Beedrill, Hitmonlee, Huntail, Magby, Milotic & Torkoal.
Joanna, with: Violet (Charmander), Chompers (Croconaw), Strike (Phanpy), Wildfire (Rapidash), Radar (Dustox) & Spot (Spheal). At Territory: Marissa (Nidoqueen), Sleepy (Drowzee), Legs (Hitmonlee), Fang (Granbull) & Smokey (Torkoal).

Don't ask about the weird text for the new ones.
If you're confused, the guys will get these Pokemon in Season 3, which will come sooner or later. ;-)

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