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Crossover Kingdom

Theatical trailer

(Almost) All Star Quest for Magus
Fellowship of Mutants
Pokemon: the Chosen Trainers
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[Appears a black screen]

Voice: Our world...

(Thunder booms)

[Then cuts to Sinister Tower with redish storm clouds]

Voice: A prophecy...

[Cuts to Mew, Celebi & Jirachi flying]

Voice: And their lives rest in the hands of a group of heroes.

Mew: Mew!

Voice: In the movie of a lifetime you don't want to miss!

("Pokemon Dancemix" plays)

[Shows the Ninja Turtles, Mighty Ducks, Extreme Dinosaurs, Street Sharks, MagiDragons, Fellowship of Mutants, Pokemon Trainers and Indigo Dragoness and the sidekicks all staring at something]

All: (Gasping in awe)

[Cuts to Mewtwo busting out of a tank of water, then to Charmander using Fire Blast]

Sara: Go!

Voice: Together, the Mighty Ducks & Chosen Pokemon Trainers must team up for the first time with...

[Shows the TMNT]

Voice: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...

[Shows the Extreme Dinosaurs]

Voice: The Extreme Dinosaurs...

[Shows the Street Sharks]

Voice: The Street Sharks...

[Shows the MagiDragons]

Voice: The MagiDragons...

[Shows Fellowship of Mutants, The Indigo Dragoness, Sylvia Bolton, Drake Surfer, Paula Marshal & Lance Mason]

Voice: And more friends. To save the world from their arch enemies.

[Cuts to the Council of Tyrants]

Bad guys: (Evil Luaghter)

Voice: With awesome songs...

Sara (sings): We'll be together someday!

Voice: Laughs...

[Cuts to Mallory pushing Josh into a fountain]

Voice: And thrills.

[Cuts to Indy being held up by cloaked Draguanus and throws her into the wall]

Indigo Dragoness: Aah! (pants)

Voice: Be sure to experience...

[Music pauses]

Streex: We're not beatin' 'round the bush this time.

[Music resumes]

Voice: A story of courage...

[Shows Wildwing, Leonardo, Sara, Stella, Ripster, T-Bone & Indy fighting a giant drone]

Wildwing: Don't give up, guys!

Voice: Friendship...

[Cuts to Josh grabbing Donatello's hand before he falls off the tower]

Voice: And the power of teamwork.

[Cuts to Sara, Indy, Sylvia & Pauline shooting lasers from their lecklaces & Stella's nametag]

Voice: Don't miss the thrill ride of the year.

[Shows the movie title with voice reading it outloud]

Voice: United Forces.

[Fades to black]

Voice: Coming soon to a computer near you.

I got the trailer idea from this guy called Martial Arts Master who had a trailer before his movie fics: "Dragon Tales movie: if I made one" & "Pokemon movie: if I made one".

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