Other shit | |
This is just kind of a fun section I added on just for the helluvit. All the logos and shit I made in my spare time, therefore they're MINE© Try to steal 'em and see what happens to ya.
Wow, I finally got some piX up. Bout damn time, eh? There's not many but hey, give me a break, I only have so much spare time. When I get some more I'll post 'em when I get around to it..until then you're just gonna have to wait, damnit.
Cartoon Dude(©) "Get that thing outta my face" Pimp Shane: Cartoon Dude(©) Damn that dude has a big head What Shane DOESN'T want you to know.. Robbie: Before the dredz Cartoon dude(©) coming soon Heath: Older picture Cartoon dude(©) coming soon |