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StreetFire Ministries was founded in 2001 in Birmingham Alabama.  I started this ministry to reach out to the disenfranchised, tattooed, pierced, punk, goth, hippies, skaters, misfits, and especially those who have been turned away from "traditional church" because of who they are.  EVERYONE is truly welcomed here at StreetFire.  This is a place where love, hope, and grace is shared with everyone who may enter.  This ministry is built on the life of Jesus Christ when He lived here on Earth.  I support this part of the ministry with the Gospel of Luke. 
John 3:16 is a very familiar verse to many, but read on, verse 17 is very powerful and tells us the God did not send his Son to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. 
Since my move from Michigan to Alabama, I have become an ordained minister through Saint Luke Evangelical Christian Ministries.  With over 20 years experience in Youth Ministry, I have seen many situations where we as the body of Christ have shut our brother out because of a petty difference.  One thing I have learned is that Christians will never agree totally on beliefs, or translations of God's Word.  However, most of us agree on the basics, and I think we need to let the rest be between God and the individual.  If a person asks for your opinion, then you are invited to share it with them.  It seems as though many Christians are guilty of hate crimes towards many groups.  I have a new practice, if I am really concerned about someone who does not see things the way I do, I pray for them and continue to love them.  I do not judge them or expect them to change. 
StreetFire is new, and still in the process of setting things up.  Our needs as of now are Prayer, and a place to hold concerts/Bible studies. I have been very active here in Birmingham with the youth who hang out at 5 points south.  The fountain is a gathering place for many different types of people.  Eventually, I would like to have a place in 5 points, or very close to hold concerts and Bible Studies.  If anyone reading this has ideas for me, please e-mail and let me know.
Another part of the ministry of StreetFire is helping and loving the homeless.  We are serving a free meal late at night to lots of homeless people at the fountain.  This usually takes place on the 3rd Saturday of the month about 11 pm.  Contact Scott if you would like to confirm that we will be there.  We have even held birthday parties for homeless teens. 
StreetFire believes that salvation is free.  All we have to do is accept Jesus.  If we are judging people, it is not the unconditional love that Jesus loves with.  1 Corinthians 13:7 talks about how love NEVER gives up.  We enter into God's family only by grace, and not by works. 
Ephesians 2:8-9



CELL:  205-305-0529

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