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Crown Chakra

here's the long awaited crown chakra exercise. Sit for a few moments and breathe deeply until you relax. Now return to normal breathing for a few more moments. Draw in a deep breath and hold it for about 5 seconds. Feel the air's energies spreading through your whole body. (I always find that part difficult, but this exercise works just fine for me without it so that's ok.) Let it go slowly and chant MAY in a 'C' note like you did for THOH. (you DID read about the third eye chakra didn't you? if you didn't do the THOH exercise, you may find this doesn't work as well.) Give yourself a few normal breaths and repeat that 2 more times. You should notice your 'third eye headaches' from the THOH exercise have gone away and you become more intuitive to things. If this isn't working for you go to the books list and check out the one by Douglas De Long. Happy chakra opening! ~Aryar