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Third Eye Chakra
Crown Chakra
Hand Chakra
Throat Chakra
Heart Chakra

Chakra Picture
Chakras are portals for energies to enter your body. They look different for every one, but I like to picture them as eyes (inspired by Tool's Lateralus CD cover). To close them I simply picture an eye closing. To open them I simply picture an eye opening. To let energies out picture a stream of them flowing from the chakra. Picture the energies flowing into the chakra to let them in. Please do the excersises in the order that they appear. They were put in that order for a reason.

You must keep your chakras cleansed and properly balanced. you will know if they are not cleansed and balanced. sometimes you will have energy blocks, which can result in physical disorders if it is not tended to ASAP. sometimes you will feel grumpy or upset for no reason. has your heart ever felt heavy after something bad happens? that's a good sign you need to cleanse your heart chakra. i found a pretty good exercise for cleansing the chakras which i will post for you.

  • Crown
  • Third Eye
  • Throat
  • Heart
  • Solar
  • Sacral
  • Base
To see if your chakras need cleansing, picture them opening like i said above. You will need to make the eye the color of the chakra from the list above. If you see any black mixed in with the color of the chakra, then it needs to be cleansed. Picture a pitcher of white energies and pour them into the chakra. See the energies flow into the chakra and lift away the blackness until the chakra is its normal color. You should feel the difference very quickly. ~Aryar