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Third Eye (Brow) Chakra

There are excersises you can do to open your third eye. One excersize is called the THOH meditation. (pronounced thoe... like toe with a th). Sit in a comfortable position or lay down or whatever relaxes you most (you will need to be sitting for the chanting part of this but I've found no problem with laying down to relax especially if sitting up is extremely tiring). Take a few deep breaths and hold them as long as you can. Then release them slowly. Now do this again except sing/say/chant THOH as you release your breath. THOH should be sung in a "C" note. If you can't get it right on it should be close enough as long as it's not high or low but in between. This exercize is supposed to be a "one time thing", but I found I needed it a second time. If you feel you need THOH again be sure to wait a few weeks before trying again. THOH can give you headaches called "third eye" headaches. You should also feel a sensation in your jaw as you chant THOH. For some the sensation is powerful and for others like me it's not so strong. For some THOH works immediately for others it takes a few weeks. You should be showing signs of a more open third eye if you did this properly. If you have questions please email me or go to the books section and check out the one by De Long. Hope I helped you. ~Aryar