RIP 1998-2001
American Standard was:
Rob Presscott:Guitars
Drew Presscott:Bass
James Sanders:Drums
Jayme Powers:Vocals
Welcome to the American Standard webpage. Our old webpage can be found here. Yeah, American Standard is kinda not around, but we do have plans of making (another) comeback, so look for that. We need a rhythm guitarist and drummer, cuz James moved to New Mexico or something, and a rhythm guitar would just be cool so Rob can do crazy solos, which rock ass. So, if anyone wants to help out, e-mail me at and stuff. I've been busy lately, a new job and a kid, plus d&d and online gaming, I haven't been able to update this site a lot, like I wanted too. I'll be re-working it soon, making everything snazzy and neat. Got in contact with Rob after two years, (its weird that, after high school, you don't see friends that often, we need to get more coffee and maybe some beer.) Since I updated last we rehearsed once, with Pope on second vocals, and Mark Czemryz (sp) on drums. It kinda sucked. Not the same chemistry as the old band. With everything thats going on in the world right now, and across the multiverse, I think its about time we reformed and take the failing Maine punk scene by force.
American Standard was a political hardcore punk band from the Topsham/Brunswick area of Maine and played a few shows with Don't Hit Your Sister, FBI and the Toughguys, the Shakedowns, Concious Youth, who later became First Things First, the Lunatic Fringe, among others, our songs mainly dealt with government corruption, police harrasment, and the general apathy we felt from a lot of the kids at our high school.
I hope this page answers your questions about this great band, what we stood for, why we broke up, if we will ever get back together again, etc...
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