Check out the info for our next show on August 15th!
Joe | Mel | X | John | Chris


Name: Melvin Leroy Hesser, Jr.


Nickname(s): Mel (that's what you'd better call me, too), Crazy Mel
Age: 19
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 155
Birthday: 6-24-1982   
Instrument: Drums
Status: Taken
Equatpment: Rogers Drums, Sabian Cymbals, Vater Sticks
Favorite FooD: Steak
Favorite Color: All except for pink and yellow
Favorite Bands: MxPx, Blink 182, NFG, AFI, Weezer, The Beatles, The Beach Boys, Ataris, Green Day, Bouncing Souls
Favorite Albums: Life in General (MxPx), About Time (Pennywise), Dude Ranch (Blink 182), And out come the wolves (Rancid), NFG's Self titled, How I Spent My Summer Vacation (Bouncing Souls)
Favorite Songs: Do your feet hurt(MxPx), Wouldn't it be Nice,(Beach Boys), Make it Last (Ataris), Photograph (Weezer), Dressed to Kill (NFG)
Best Live Band: MxPx, Bad Religion
Musical Influences: Travis Barker, Byron McMackin, Tre Cool, Gene Krupa
LIkes: Playing, writing, and listening to music, gatorade, Hanging out with my buds, and hanging out with my girlfriend.
Dislikes: The Punk rock trend that has taken over Lewistown like a swarm of locusts, Chestnut and Valley Streets, Trendies, and "College Kids"
Favorite TV Shows: All in the Family, Cosby Show, Welcome back Kotter, The Munsters...
Favorite Movies: Mallrats, Detroit Rock City, Halloween, The Wedding Singer, Chasing Amy (Those last 2 represent the extent of my chick flick intake)
Do you like school? Yeah, because I learn a lot, and No, because it gets stressful at times
Pets: 1 Joe
Are you superstitious? Um... not really... kinda believe in ghosts, though
Most Annoying: Resident Punx of L-town, Mifflin County accents
Do you own a car? No comment
How would you describe yourself? Sensitive (it's a curse), friendly, and I like to play...