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Going For Broke . . . broken up.
New band rises . . . Rise Like Lions.

As of last night The Fourth International has joined Unity Underground Records. Check out their bio in the BANDS section of this site.

Unity Underground Records has just "signed" another band: Going For Broke. Check out their
website at and also this web site for future information on shows, releases, etc.

The site is up and running, hopefully people will start coming here and checking shit out.
Not too much is going on with the label as of now. Society In Breakdown is recording a
full-length at the moment and when they are done Fuck All Your Heroes will be recording
a few songs for a possible EP. There's also a compilation in the works with bands from
Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Florida, Illinois, and Pennsylvania. So be on the look
out for all of that stuff in the next few months.