5 thousand feet of emerald green
5 thousand feet scented still
with integrity
5 thousand feet to escape
5 thousand feet that could end
her darkest torments in denial
5 thousand feet she longs to fall
The only grief being it would mark
her greatest moment
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 7.June.1999
Arson on the Sixth Zodiac
Running like water through a solid -
Tempted, yet not entirely atune to the notion
of being felled -
I was running inside-out on the pavement
and no one noticed.
There was rust in the cracks of blood
where life once stowed...
An ache that infiltrated my wings
until they shattered here, yes here,
Upon the pavement - beneath your very feet where
women lay - I'll bruise the god that did it.
I didn't know the last raindrop that stopped.
The gesture drove an ocean between my
fingertips - and though a vertical language -
was heard nontheless.
Fast as friction, yell, but slowed by the smoothness
of a tidal insincerity to oneself
About the adeptness of coping with the empty edge
of a photocopy.
What you could be
And what I can not
Are perhaps two of the worst disasters.
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 15.April.2000
Pele's Chant
Addressed within an incense stick
Confessed but not forgotten, drifts away
Upon a sigh so thick the sky lays rotten
Stars all blown from play and there
Beyond my dream, afflicted yet restricted not
By time to share in every seeming glow of every
Rhyming blinding climb so go project your voice
And scatter every matter well behind for
Now was then when then was knowing of its past
Like us in shrine, tomorrow wakened by the glass
Still sharding out into the line of borrowed memory,
Define that borrowed melody by heart and sing it loud
Into the Night.
Decision light like concrete guilt
Collision not forsaken, lifts aside
The leaves of wishful silt - “die young and taken” -
Beg the wandering Wide and gaze
Beyond my kiss, distaining yet restraining not
The view amazed by every missing link to every
Brewing brooding clue upon the tablecloth
And motion every ocean that's untrue for
Here is there where there is slowing down its while
As in hue, connecting lovers over miles
Craving just for me and you in dawn-streaked memory -
Re-glue that dawn-streaked melody by heart and sing it out
Into our Night.
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 7.February.2000
To Mock A Sheep
Shoulder to shoulder clashing sidewalks...
I'm out on an acre of thought walked on often
in rain.
Dream myself out of here;
willing the wind to sweep off the trench-coated swarms,
blurry streetlamps a poor miracle in wintered city hell
but then, ahead, I see it -
The path Alice would've surely taken - my smile aches,
the puddle gaping wide evaded by tribes of expensive feet,
I laugh, pah! Not mine.
Now running, shoving through the horde so unEnglishly
I coil low, I leap I yell I SPLASH!
my laughter careening in torrents at the stunned vicinity,
I grab the seadragon's mane with a bow
and am gone.
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 13.March.2000
(Graphical Frown)
the spot
i've never
a deja
a time
i did not
for her
or me
or you
a lake
i used
to hate
a dream
i woke
but ecliptical
in a
i wait
to break
the sense
of us
was not
so well
a place
i've never
in a time
i will
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 23.Dec.1999
Curl Up the Sidewalks
It's funny, how I can be
Someone different to every other person
And yet
No one at all
To myself.
I can sit here balled in the middle of Cambridge
And watch the shoes go by around me:
The fast ones
The worn ones
The ones holding up and the
Ones dragging down -
And then looking at my own feet
They're bare...
I have no direction
I have all too many desires
I have no need for compasses or time.
I have no such perfection that
Allows me see the liars from the
Ones that judge intimacy with decadence or
Climb the walls of misery to die.
The raindrops are
To some or
Cleansing to
Others: they
Soak this soul and
Repel off that but
To mine they're nothing
But a backdrop.
Cathedral stone may be old I know and the
Mediocre bells might be rung just
One too many times
But there'll always be a home for me
In this cathedral's shadow for it doesn't care if
I don't believe
It doesn't care if no one believes in ME
Its sandals are ready to guide me somewhere
When I ask.
It's funny, how I can be
No one at all to every other person
And yet
Someone worth something
To myself.
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 1.November.1999
Thicker Than Skies
water hath no edge so sharp
as that which stings the strain i slew
or tried to slay
and failed so straining new.
water hath no edge to walk
in forests where, once strained, i grew
until my steadied shoots
held studied clue.
water hath no edge to grasp
when clasping becomes needed to
nor shelter when my rasping breath
intrudes you.
and water hath no edge to cross
for bridges are a sister who
suggests crossing the earth leaving
blood blue.
water is _from_ but without heaven.
blood is within love
until bled.
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 14.December.1999
Magic Thieves
They caught a fairy last night.
I found her small, limp body in the nettles near the stream
wrapped in golden spiderwebs, her glow gone.
I picked her up.
Her eyes, half closed, stared sadly off at the
spirit waters pulling her away.
Her hands still clutching grass blades
were cold and damp with dew.
I pulled her free from the gleaming net and kissed her with
a tear
and a prayer
and slowly rose to the dawn.
Behind me trailed the wingless pegasus
the icy phoenix
and the empty heart.
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 22.March.2000
i look at them my
so cold and shells of
splintering in
lonely, dead but
just lost and only
torn and raped in
but no one wants a
but no one knows the
but no one shares my
is nothing but a
a worthless drifting
and who cares if the
are tears
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 14September.1999
Snake in the bark of ivory, she's a thousand fists
of thistles from her home, still unknown to the
trilogy created and dictated by our God, over here by the
apple tree, she's aware of the care in climbing
adversity yet she nods
inexplicably at the word misheard by a new trainee of Time...
So she breathes:
"Bring me the leaf of a thousand forts, from the oyster dam
to the legal courts and hang them there on the branch of
Then trace a line through a thousand pines 'til you bleed at the
span of each other's spines, and tell me then if you've learnt
Does she know as she goes that my swallowing slows
and stops?
Snake in the bark of ivory, I'm a thousand thistles down
and thorned to show.
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 9.March.2000
Life: As Dared By Me
I grabbed a suitcase bound for Saturn and it growled at my intent,
I screamed and screamed but in the end, it got away.
There’s a black hole to my left, an angry nebula behind me and
Man might not be alone, but Woman is.
So many galaxy-class people drifting 'round philosophy,
You'd think this surely a commercial selling love.
But while the vortex now is quiet, universally we’re lost and
Man just might not be unknown, but Woman is.
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 10.December.1999
(She drops her bag on the floor somewhere above me)
“Don't you ever use the same words twice?”
(i'm faking a hologram as i paint the stickwoman with profuse intent)
hun, poetry is just one big wardrobe: wear what works
“Someone told me once that no question is stupid unless asked
five times,
rephrasing inclusive”
(i smudge myself a little)
who said i ask any questions
(She pulls a gun on me)
“Who said I wanted any answers?”
(i give my stickwoman a banner saying 'OUT TO LUNCH')
was that rhetorical
(She peers through my frosty eyes)
“Was that?”
(sigh. doesn't she see i'm out to lunch? i stash a friend in the painting,
fleeing towards my stickwoman as if they have someplace to go...
or at least someplace to get away from)
you can’t tell me you never use the same colours twice
(She fires the gun, squirting Oh Two across my page)
“Of course I have! But art is a universal dialect, babe.”
(i watch my women run down the paper, and kill them
with a splat of my palm)
not if you're blind.
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 25.April.2000
I've never done them wrong
I've never eaten earthworms
I've never prayed so hard my fingers bruise
I've never lied to them
I've never spat on Him
I've never ran down the stairs waving sissors since
I've never worried about myself OKAY or
Tortured myself without deserve or
Spoken out of turn when you or they or I were screaming
I've never broken your law
I've never asked just WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE
I've never jumped off the cliff just to prove myself
I've never wondered what the hell am I doing here
I've never plundered money on wealthy drugs
Never cut myself without desire
Never killed but hey don't tempt me babe
I've never killed yet.
I've never been accused of innocence
I've never pleaded sane nor charged the guilt
I've never thought of home and smiled sweet
I've never slapped the friend who isn't now but
I've never blushed in the presence of male intent or
Savaged the man that killed my cat or
Accepted the priest that hates my gay disease beacuse
Let's face it, it's my loss.
I've never knocked on wood like you command
I've never feared what could-would happen see
I've never jumped at the storm-shocks cracking panes or
Wrecking all my feral moods or
Pitched myself across the sea and drowned
Right there before you
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 20.May.2000
Hell, Not a Lesbian?
Illiteracy of the moment makes for interesting silence -
Enchanted silence, torrential silence -
A sacrament, perhaps, for a waterlogged sky,
But Bogbean, with her quiet magickal ways
And elflocks of silver-blue,
Continues to pitch herself deeper...
"Above, below and between the Tropics
An evil: brutal and hellish in form,
A bitch of a green sea gone black -
The devil herself - is waiting for you.
"But sorry, I'm sure if you asked her sinfully enough
She'd tell you that she's...
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 18.October2000
An Té A Thiocfaidh Air (Whoever Finds It)
Forage through the foliage of raindrops 'neath the Nile and
Between the moon and crescent forge a bond,
Then knowing tides and acreage, immune yourself to sacrilege
In soul and spirit been and now beyond.
The body not a temple nor a torch to your desire, lend
A moment to forget your crowded lust,
The edge appearing, ever searing down upon your thought revering
Time upon a platter in the dust.
No passage been no passage past
No echo din upon this path
And unto all the shadow cast
There is but one that will but last,
All message drawn all message taught
All flame foresawn but seldom caught
And unto each and every court
There is but one they've never fought...
She's love.
Crawling softly through the leaves of raindrops sealing skydoms and
Between the earth and earthly breathe a seed,
The waiting flickers of your sighs that glide on wings of dragonflies
Through skins of stars in axis of our need.
A lapse will not derive here-in for fate entwines its fingers deft to
Apprehend your mirror from the dawn,
When hand meets hand, our souls expand to spark as one, their future planned
And from this kiss our hearts shall ne'er be torn.
No passage been no passage past
No echo din upon this path
And unto all the shadow cast
There is but one that will but last,
All message drawn all message taught
All flame foresawn but seldom caught
And unto each and every court
There is but one they've never fought...
She's love.
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 28.November.2000
Seraphic Task
My mouth is full of silence as I
Entrust myself into some small chink of moonlight.
The earth cringes as I sit
The night disintegrates.
Your stampede of stars tiptoe tonight, I notice,
Disguising themselves as splatterings of rain and
Converging in liquid constellations in my palm.
You say nothing of it. I’m too angry to ask
But it’s hard to tell these days where
What I am ends
And what you were begins.
Several quietly enchanted galaxies leak
Between my fingers.
Just me and (the watery grave of) you now
I suppose,
Me being the sidekick kissed and kicked and
Snagged somewhere on your departure,
You being you and nothing less.
Just us, warrioress,
I try to imagine you’ll put your spirit where my
Smile is.
Couldn’t be.
(It died, dead, in the living)
The problem being that just when I think that the
World is strong enough to hold me,
I crumble in the realization that there are
Thousands of others relying on that
Exact same notion.
Forgive me, my love, if sometimes I am
Too afraid to breathe.
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 23.June.2000
Tusks (the sixth clause of compassion)
Falling grieves and stalling reasons touch the land today.
Maybe their ice will warm me,
Maybe their finger-tips will chase the leafless seasons and scare the fog
Onto the Fen.
And where your cry hath burned a wake,
A vision:
A dream of crucifying every cross before it's even born.
Now stillness.
You know that killing kills and death begins
The life of torment fresh in circles true...
And as the web is in frost,
Its beauty comes at the price of breath...stay back
I've seen you broken before...stay back
They can't knock you off these stars, my sister,
You're still my idol.
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 11.September.2000
T’kirnae m Caadhm-Ree (aka Made Up Love)
Maybe it's a tragedy maybe it's a comedy
Maybe it's a sonnet of a lover's terminology
Maybe it's a demon maybe it's a hoax
Maybe it's the wishes for the kisses that we coax
Maybe it's an astronaut maybe it's an argonaut
Maybe it's the difference between chase and chased and seek and sought
Maybe it's a pagan maybe it's a priest
Maybe it's a tamer or restrainer of the beast
Maybe it's illusion maybe it's confusion
Maybe it's a romance's beginning or conclusion
Maybe it's a mountain maybe it's a cage
Maybe it's the turner or the burner of a page
Maybe it's non-sensical maybe it's a miracle
Maybe it's the pain of every soul, thus reprehensible
Maybe it's a candle maybe its the night
Maybe it's the weapon for the battles that we fight
Maybe it's philosophy maybe it's soliloquy
Maybe it's a craving that you get from violent memory
Maybe it's a hooker maybe it's a wife
Maybe it's the taker or the maker of a life
Maybe it's a half thing maybe it's a whole
Maybe it's the killer or the pillar of a soul
Maybe it's a gangster maybe it's a law
Maybe it's the filling of a hole we had before
Maybe it's a music maybe it's a scream
Maybe it's the drum and very hum of every dream
Maybe it's a heart
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 28.November.2000
When Oceans Rise
The tides are low and so is faith:
It sank in depths of salted cries,
In lilac waters, vast, that chase
The soul until it softly dies,
The heart until, in fear, it lies;
All will, all hope, all light and thought,
Forever lost in star-strewn sighs
As in thorned nets of blaze it's caught,
While abandonment itself subdues, to nothingness.
Wisdom tossed to frothing wakes,
And clarity mythed by seaweeds crowned,
The torrent scalds my ears and breaks
What tingling warmth my heart had found,
What laughter through my spirit wound
On coasts of glinting, smooth desire;
As crests of mist-wrapped words surround
The truths of all my inner fire,
Like breath forgotten, songs unsung and faint, inhaling chorus.
Bars of blackest guilt cage chasms:
No up nor down, nor sky nor floor,
This hell: with glare and blood-wretched talons,
Is all I have by bitter lore,
Is all my mind is aching for;
As ignorance of others bare
A weight that miserably I bore,
On cross that marked my secrets' lair,
Better, thus, to love not one than live such crucifixion.
Faces dart through grades like phantoms,
In shoals of fleeting memory,
Like shafts of humming, charm-lit lanterns
That once did guide felicity,
Between our souls inseparably;
While Oracles could not foretell
The sacrifice you'd make for me,
Nor how my pain would churn and swell
And drown me in such desolation: my solitary grave.
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 28.February.1999
Rainbow wakes in Winter's arms
smiling upside-down,
Gazing eagerly
she hums
and waits us children to come and play.
Her colours dull.
Beneath her empty arch the world crouches nervously
and shivers.
Winds rage the open fields,
Water chops and claws inside the reservoir and
the rain-trees whip monsoons within their cries.
We are gone.
Coal-clouds yawns above her and
growl in fatherly warning:
“Inside! Inside!”
he blows at her trembling bridge.
No one wants to cross her now.
Rainbow gazes sadly at the lonely world...
then fades.
Her tears carry part of her
and wash the land unnoticed.
Her gold lies unclaimed.
Her smile goes unchased.
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 16.September.1999
Monsoon Lullaby
Sometimes, deep in darkness
In the folds of silence still
I lie, not blind by blackness
Nor by thought that daylights kill
I dream yet never sink in sleep
And sing without a note
Then, whirling in the warmth of wings
Faint waterfalls do float
Beneath the flurried feathers
Currents swirl with emerald ease
And laced lagoons of wonder
Swell beneath the coral seas
If I could live in amber arcs
Mosaic moons decreed
To shy in shadows ever-more
For here they'd have no need
Your tawny eyes would be my sight
Their calming crescents tame
And ebbing echoes soft enchant
As whispered words you claim
Above, the faeries flicker
Monsoons haze to silver scent
And gliding glades of laughter
Lap at lilac wonderment
Your fingers trance my tears by touch
As silk-surrendered skies
Alight upon the rippled reef
To dance like fireflies
With wishes in their starlit wings
And hearts of herald gold
They twine between our souls with flame
Of secrets never told
Inside, the laced lagoons enchant
The emerald dreams that sigh
And crescents tint the scented glades
Of our monsoon lullaby
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 1.January.1999
Tense's Open Paradox
Standing where my heart once stood
In mirrorment of frosted pines
Confusion masking destiny
Between out fused horizon lines
And in its wake there calls a charm
That disrespects blue ocean flows
Beneath the golden Hebrides
Where wisdom hides and no one knows
The truth
Thus I sang: My only partner is eternal
The lust-framed clouds are lost but seen
In such invisibility
That purges night of waking dreams
Yet sleeps the soul's nobility
But silver linings line no more
Than shadows cast by dialed suns
While I, I lean forlorn and laugh
At irony in all its puns
Of fate
So I'll sing: My only segregation purrs in
Sweet rushes in my reed-grass soul
Traipse childish awe through every sense
And though my body's slashed in past
The healing shimmers future tense
I'll lurk no more 'neath trees of stone
Where squirrels dance and bury me
For though I died, I rise again
With desirous new intensity
For her
And I sing: In losing love so passion-soft
I found it
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 11.June.1999
The Only
I stall upon a streetlamp, amber snickered at by
daylight all around, and yet I think it not
in need of rewiring
I think it not
a freak for shining by day, nor a
useless, worthless waste of government taxes.
It made me smile - it brightened my day - and yet
it still finds it's bravery blackened by cheap mascara.
"LEsBi aN"
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 1.April.2000
One More Victim
She met a cat in the ally and he smiled with a bow
Said “a penny for your thoughts” and disappeared without paying
There's a man in the doorway, in the backdoor of his shop
And he's saying she can eat there but the price goes by the Night
She remembers how her father used that line so many times and
Tears are frozen by the wind but not starvation in her eyes
She shakes her head but thanks him all the same and hurries on
Not looking back because she knows it won't be long 'fore she returns.
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 11.April.1999
Seeping Keeprets
Oh if you crawl and cheat through the keeprets you seep
It's a cullshade you're willing to wreak,
But if destiny's swell strikes your heartfrake show-tell
It's a gullwritten pixelous speak.
Tape your mouth to the wall,
Don't afraken a sight today.
In the hypeline of metals
The Pisces crack petals and say:
"Tis a tacturous fleet of those keeprets you seep
That do slurredache our flow-ocean deceit,
While lay you, friend that hurts, skap a backblade of flirts:
You're a murdtree of blitzeetorn heat."
Stake red lava-ish tongue,
Won't afraken a sight today.
In the bledkrippen rageye
She'll nach ever seep-sigh a gain.
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 5.May.2000
Why I Want to Write From Madagascar
I'm a girl today
In man's clothing
With rips
Down my spine
And a fishing rod
I can't climb
I'm an it
So abuse me
With mats
In my spine
And cupboard eyes
Car exhausted
I was hit
Midding night
With wheels
On my spine
And eviction decree
I'm not
Take the blood back
And your children
With nothing
But spine
And deserve
©TreyEbonyRavencrest -- 25.May.2000
All poems are copyright of Trey Ravencrest and may not be used without her consent.