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>>>>> Last Words
Name Stephen Jones
Nickname Hairy animal, Tyler Durden
IM JonMssngr
Birthdate 8/13/84
Position in the band Singer, songwriter, unauthorized biographer
Favorite U.A. Song In my dreams
Favorite Bands Weezer, Pixies, Hum, The Juliana Theory, Frodus, Embodyment, Strongarm, Enterlost, The Get Up Kids
Favorite Song (lately) Pixies "Where is My Mind", Weezer "El Scorcho", "Simple Pages"
Influences God, Weezer, Scott Gravatt, Aaron Harden, The Beatles, our band, Iris, Meg, Susan
Marital Status Susan I love you
Hobbies Losing, singing, writting, screwing everything up
Playing music, Susan, listening to music, Susan, singing to music, Susan
Dislikes Hate, clowns, conformity, pointless traditions, not being with Susan
Favorite Movies Fight club, The sound of music, The original Batman movie, The wizard of Oz, Snatch, Apocalypse Now, 12 Monkey's
Favorite TV Show The Simpsons, that 70's show and jackass
Favorite Food Whatever I find
Favorite Place My room, youth room
Favorite Drink Milk, gasoline
Favorite Book In war and peace i haven't read it but i heard it was good
Favorite Serial Lucky charms but just the marshmellows
Favorite Video Game Medal of Honor 2, Syphon Filter
Favorite Greg Motte Quote Oh Sure
Favorite Magazine Cosmapolatin, Modern Bride