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For webmasters, this is the most important part. This is what is going to make everyone aware of this site and what it stands for. If you want to display this on a section just for cliques, that's fine. But keep in mind that this site will get more exposure if you put the graphic on one of the main pages of your site.

Please select the image you want to display on your site by right clicking on it and selecting Save As. Name it whatever you want and then upload it to your page.

Once you save the image, you can use this code to put the image up. Just remember to change the ( ) to < > and IMG_NAME to whatever you saved the picture as.

(a href="")(img src="IMG_NAME.jpg" border=0)(/a)

Send an email to once the graphic is on your site. If you have a banner, please send that to me also and I'll add your banner to the members section.

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