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Totem by Susan Seddon Boulet
The Archive of Names
Wednesday, January 23, 2002

488th most popular female first name in the United States; frequency is 0.028%; percentile is 74.082

Camille means "swiftness of foot", "free-born", or "noble" in French. In Latin, Camille means "virginal or of unblemished character". In English, it is a variant of the flower name Camelia. Other alternate forms are: Camillei (French) and Kamille (English).

Some people named Camille: Camille Paglia, Camille Pissarro, Camille Dreyfus, Camille Claudel, Camille Corot
[ posted by S. Y. Affolee at 9:03 PM | link ]

Tuesday, January 22, 2002


226th most popular male first name in the United States; frequency is 0.071%; percentile is 74.562

Jared is Hebrew for "he who descends". Other sources say that Jared is Hebrew for "one who rules". An alternate form of the name is Jerad.

Some people named Jared: Jared Leto, Jared Mauch, Jared Kendall, Jared Baierschmidt, Jared Hendler, Jared Diamond, Jared Palmer
[ posted by S. Y. Affolee at 9:51 AM | link ]

Monday, January 21, 2002


762nd most popular female first name in the United States; frequency is 0.013%; percentile is 79.386

Serena is not surprisingly Latin for "serene" or "calm". In Spanish, it also means "serene".

Some people named Serena: Serena Williams
[ posted by S. Y. Affolee at 8:07 PM | link ]

Sunday, January 20, 2002


Iain means "God's gracious gift" in Celtic. In Scottish, it similarly means "gift from God". It is also the Scottish form of John.

Some people named Iain: Iain O'Higgins, Iain Pears, Iain Duff, Iain Hamilton, Iain Banks, Iain Gray, Iain Smith
[ posted by S. Y. Affolee at 2:03 PM | link ]



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