The Max Series

The Max Series

Max: A bitch on the outside, a scared little girl on the inside

Almost Okay

By: Oak
Rated: PG-13 due to adult themes (sort of, they're just talked about) and language
Couples: Scott/Jean and Rogue/Logan are talked about.
Copyright: Own no one from the movie, blah, blah
Ownership: I own Max and Angel
Spoilers: The movie -- duh
Summary: A young mutant at Xavier's school thinks about being a mutant, being at the school, and her past.

Doing Fine

Rated: PG
Couples: none
Summary: After calling another student a name, Max is sent to have a talk with Xavier
Feedback: YES
Copyright: I wrote this.
Disownership: I don't own the X-Men
Spoilers: none

I'm Sorry

Couples: None
Disownership: Own no one from Marvel. Own Max
Copyright: I wrote this.
Spoilers: Doing Fine
Summary: Max's letter to Jubes
