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The Carby Sanctum : Dedicated to John Carter and Abby Lockhart


General Description:
DR. GREENE'S NEW FAMILY COULD BE IN DANGER AS SHOOTER GOES ON RAMPAGE THROUGH CHICAGO IN SEASON FINALE -- The ER is overwhelmed with gunshot victims when a distraught father (guest star Ted Marcoux) goes on a murderous spree at a foster care facility -- and a horrified Dr. Greene (Anthony Edwards) realizes that his personal connection with the madman may prove fatal for his new wife (Alex Kingston) and their baby. In the midst of the chaos: Dr. Carter (Noah Wyle) is put in the awkward position of helping Dr. Chen (Ming-Na) apply for the promotion that he himself was denied, Dr. Benton (Eriq La Salle) is unexpectedly assaulted by his ex-girlfriend Carla's husband (guest star Victor Williams), and Dr. Finch (Michael Michele) cuts her hand while treating an HIV-positive patient. Meanwhile, Dr. Romano (Paul McCrane) betrays his prejudice when he tries to force out Dr. Legaspi (guest star Elizabeth Mitchell).

Abby/Carter Highlights:
Carter addresses his attraction to Abby, and appears to end their friendship. The scene:

Abby: Is that a record number of gunshot wounds for one shift?

Carter: By the same guy, absolutely.

Abby: He has a good chance. Like you said you found it early.

Carter: No, it's more that he has to go through it alone. You know as if haven't cancer as a kid wasn't bad enough

Abby: He could get past over for chief resident.

Carter: That's true. Or he could kicked out of med school and be forced to work as an ER nurse.

Abby: I was not kicked out.

Carter: Oh really. What would you call it?

Abby: Suspended for being a dead beat. (pause) Do you know he offered to pay my tuition?

Carter: Who?

Abby: Luka. (pause) And I know he means well, it's just frustrating for me sometimes cause I have to explain my every feeling to him and normally when your with someone for awhile they get to know your moods but he doesn't do that-

Carter: (interrupting) You know what? Stop it.

Abby: What?

Carter: Don't talk to me about Luka. I'm not your girlfriend and I shouldn't really even be here with you.

Abby: Why not?

Carter: Because I don't want to wish bad things for you and Luka. And I don't want to sit on the sidelines waiting for you two to break up. And I don't want to be your friend. It might be convenient for you but it's not doing much for me.

Abby: What are you talking about?

long pause

Carter gets up and walks away. Abby turns and watches him go.


Rampage Rampage Rampage Rampage Rampage Rampage Rampage Rampage Rampage


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Disclaimer: Images are copyright their respective owner. Image of Abby in the top logo borrowed from ER Screen Capture Archive. Other screen captures throughout this site were captured by me. If you want to use these images, please link back to this site. John Carter, Abby Lockhart and everything else ER related belongs to Warner Brothers and NBC.