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The Carby Sanctum : Dedicated to John Carter and Abby Lockhart

Carter and Abby

This section is designed to feature basically anything Carter and Abby related. Statements, opinions, quotes, etc. are all appreciated. If you have anything to add, please see the submissions page, or email me.

"Sand and Water" Images : Thirty-five images.

"The Dance We Do" Images : Eight images from this episode.

"Thy Will Be Done" Images : Thirty-five images.

"Sailing Away" : Thirty images from the Carby favorite episode along with a some of the scenes transcribed.

"Rampage" : Dialogue and a few images from the season finale.

Spoilers : Season eight spoilers and rumors. Do not enter here unless you want to know about possible plots and storylines for the upcoming season of ER.

Why We Love Carter and Abby : A huge list compiled at Mal's Forum by many Carbies. Honorable mention: "Because they rock Kitty's socks." A big thanks to Kitty for providing the list. UPDATED: Now up to 329 reasons!!!

"Hanging By A Moment" : A basic overview of the official Carby song.

The Maura Tierney Picture Site has the most fantastic article I've read on Maura Tierney's acting entitled The Virtues of Maura. The addendum of that article, More on Maura has a solid, in depth explanation on what makes the Carter and Abby relationship so enjoyable, and why it would be entertaining to further explore this relationship (located on the second page of the article). This is the best analysis of the Carter and Abby relationship I've read.


Guestbook: Sign and View
Message Board: Hanging By Their Moments


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Disclaimer: Images are copyright their respective owner. Image of Abby in the top logo borrowed from ER Screen Capture Archive. Other screen captures throughout this site were captured by me. If you want to use these images, please link back to this site. John Carter, Abby Lockhart and everything else ER related belongs to Warner Brothers and NBC.