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The Carby Sanctum : Dedicated to John Carter and Abby Lockhart


Warning: In case you've stumbled on to this page without reading the previous warning, these are spoilers! If you do not want to read about possible plots for season eight, please return to the main page!

Scroll down for the spoilers








The below spoilers were posted to by EpneBelle and are for the first three episodes of the season:

Episode One: "FOUR CORNERS" (plots, title subject to change, etc.)

Mark faces a Morbidity and Mortality conference regarding Fossen's death, but only Elizabeth (back from her 6 week maternity leave) grows suspicious.

Carter attends his grandfather's funeral, where we meet his parents. Abby later joins him at the reception.

Peter and Cleo are "taking a break" from each other.

Kerry returns from a spontaneous 3 week trip to Africa.

Chen is the new chief resident.


Peter rushes to Mercy after Carla and Reese are involved in a car accident.

Luka and Abby have a tense night out.

Mark and Elizabeth find balancing their schedules and an infant harder than expected.

Carter works late and attempts to discuss an attending position with Kerry.

Kerry meets again with a familiar face.

The ER is overrun with patients after a stampede at a rock concert.


Rachel arrives for an unexpected visit.

Dave is caught in a compromising position, and faces consequences.

Abby attempts to avoid Luka, and recruits Carter for a questionable errand.

Kerry and Romano bump heads over a patient's case management.

Chen treats an abandoned newborn.


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Disclaimer: Images are copyright their respective owner. Image of Abby in the top logo borrowed from ER Screen Capture Archive. Other screen captures throughout this site were captured by me. If you want to use these images, please link back to this site. John Carter, Abby Lockhart and everything else ER related belongs to Warner Brothers and NBC.