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The Carby Sanctum : Dedicated to John Carter and Abby Lockhart


You will be fully credited for anything you submit! This is an overview of how to submit various items to the website. If you need more help after reading through this, please feel free to email me.

Fan Fiction : Send any fanfiction to All fan fiction that is centered around Carter and Abby (even friend fics) are welcomed to be submitted.
Please provide a story title, email address, author name, and if the story is NC-17 it must be marked. A summary is very helpful, but not required. Stories can be pasted into the email message or attached as either text (.txt) or html (.html or .htm). If you send html files, I will edit them to match the rest of the site.

Artwork : Please attach any images or artwork and send them to GIF, JPG, and BMP are the file formats I accept.

Misc : Any other items you would like to send it (quotes, essays, etc.) just email them to me with all the basic information (name, email, etc).


Guestbook: Sign and View
Message Board: Hanging By Their Moments


Main Page // Carter and Abby // Fan Fiction // Fan Art // Links


Disclaimer: Images are copyright their respective owner. Image of Abby in the top logo borrowed from ER Screen Capture Archive. Other screen captures throughout this site were captured by me. If you want to use these images, please link back to this site. John Carter, Abby Lockhart and everything else ER related belongs to Warner Brothers and NBC.