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The Carby Sanctum : Dedicated to John Carter and Abby Lockhart

Why We Love Carter and Abby

Compiled by Drummergirl on the Fan Forum located at Mal's ER site. Many lovely, wonderful, hyper Carbies contributed to this long list of reasons. A big thanks to all the talented, funny people who contributed and to Kitty for providing the list.

1- Because she cared enough to get help for him.
2- Because there "are warmer places to be alone."
3- Carter has his own hair fluffage technique just for Abby.
4- Because Abby has her own hair-limpage technique for Carter.
5- Abby "saved" his life.
6- Because Abby looked at him for EIGHT seconds!!
7- Because they're "hanging by a moment."
8- Because Abby looked ultra fine in that dress.
9- Because Carter looked mighty fine in that tux.
10- Because Abby gave up a date with a couch and an almost-maybe-date with Luka's musician guy, for a non-date with Carter.
11- Because they "Sailed Away."
12- Because he put his puked up pills in her hand!
13- Because Luka was deciding for her. But Carter just offered to help.
14- Because they have sooo much chemistry.
15- Because they have friendship as well as amazing chemistry.
16- Because he told her alone about his two perms phase.
17- Because nobody looks at Abby the way Carter does.
18- Because Carter doesn't need to be psychic to understand how she's feeling
19- Because Laura Innes thinks so too.
20- Because Carter's in love with her. Period.
21- Because Carter teaches Abby not to pretend.
22- Because they're meant to be together.
23- Because they know everything about each other.
24- Because they look so cute drinking coffee together by the river on their breaks.
25- Because Carter was mature enough to admit his true feelings to her.
26- Because she "may have come up there to be alone, but she wasn't."
27- Because she'd like to see him fit into an incubator.
28- Because they splurged on sundaes together.
29- Because he's always stealing glances at her.
30- Because we've had seven full on Carby episodes to four Luby ones.
31- Because he'd never seen Oklahoma before.
32- Because he went with her and she didn't have to ask.
33- Because they both had an "OK" time on their non-date.
34- Because it's FATE!
35- Because Abby got Rena out of the picture.
36- Because Carter just has to say "hi" to cheer her up.
37- Because she was begging him with her eyes, "COME WITH ME PLEEEEEEEEEASE!!"
38- Because Carter isn't just Abby's splurge.
39- Because they can make you grin like a Cheshire Cat.
40- Because Abby is a home wrecker.
41- Because she calls him John in their intimate moments
42- Because Carter can read her moods. Unlike someone else, *cough*Lu-ka*cough*
43- Because Carter is an "Abby-mender".
44- Because Abby is a "Carter-Mender".
45. Because he sometimes looks at her for too long.
46- Because carter won't LECTURE her. He will be there for her.
47- Because she's "still getting over their break-up."
48. Because Carter said "you would never dump me.
49- Because they can joke light heartedly with each other.
50- Because Abby defended their friendship to Luka.
51- Because Carter confessed up to Weaver about taking the drugs only because Abby refused to be his sponsor.
52- Because Carter was caught of guard when Rene asked him if he'd like to go out with Abby.
53- Because he lied to Rena so he could go check on Abby.
54- Because there was electrifying sexual tension on the road trip.
55- Because Carter would never dump her.
56- Because Abby thinks Carter's like a bad habit. And you all know just how hard those are to drop.
57- Because we love the dance they do.
58- Because Carter has a scarlet A on his chest for "Abby."
59- Because I'm sure that they both had other ideas for that bathtub.
60 - Because I'm sure they both had other ideas for those sundaes.
61- Because she really meant it when she said that she was glad he came along with her. No, really.
62- Because they're best friends.
63- Because... we've all seen When Harry Met Sally.
64- Because he lets her whine and groan and doesn't complain.
65- Because she lets him whine and groan and doesn't complain.
66- Because they both need that.
67- Because they've already forged emotional intimacy.
68- Because they're not shat.
69. Because what's "Jabba the hut" between lovers?
70- Because they are both great at softball and make a great team!
71- Because she was trying real hard to get him to stay.
72- Because Carter never tried to be 'the other guy', he was always gentlemanly and never tried to interfere in the L/A relationship... (I mean really interfere here!)
73- Because they're Carter and Abby. Isn't it obvious?
74- Because they'd make a great spooning pair.
75- Because: Muld-er. Cart-er. Scull-y. Abb-y. Coincidences? I think not.
76- Because they are MFEO (tm Sleepless in Seattle).
77- Because she was ear wigging his conversation with Rena, (jealousy, I think so!)
78- Because they define the meaning of UST.
79- Because Carter didn't want to wish bad things for Abby and Luka.
80- Because Carter went to Abby first when he found out that Rena was really young.
81- Because Abby thinks he's Mr. Congeniality.
82- Because Abby said to Rena that Carter was special.
83- Because she took Carter's side over Luka's.
84- Because Carter went out of his way to get her plane tickets to Oklahoma, and go with her.
85- Because it took Abby a few seconds to come out of a daze after their road trip.
86- Because no one should be alone after killing a clown.
87- Because he understands and she doesn't ask him to.
88- Because Abby always seems to perk up whenever she's around him.
89- Because I could write a thesis on "trust" and "unspoken understanding" using "Sailing Away" as my basis.
90- Because they have a light-hearted relationship, i.e.- they don't argue and aren't uptight with each other.
91- Because they can joke around with each other.
92- Because ER wouldn't be the same without them.
93- Because Abby would be so jealous if Carter started having the friendship with Susan that he had last season with Abby, so best just couple C/A together and make everything right.
94- Because they don't need couples therapy.
95- Because they're kindred spirits.
96- Because Maura Tierney said she'd go nuts if she had to say "Luka, wait" one more time.
97- Because they gave them a song.
98- "The Hanging Gardens Of Babylon", one of the wonders of the World. "Babylon", played when Carter and Abby Sailed Away. Carter and Abby's relationship, another one of the wonders of the world!
99- Because they way they looked at each other while they were dancing could melt anyone's heart.
100- Because there are neon lights pointing out their relationship!
101- Because Abby only seems to smile when she's with him.
103- Because their relationship is unconditional.
104- Because they both share an interest in things "sad and dark."
105- Because they're comfortable enough with each other to be able to tease and play around.
106- Because in "Rampage" Abby sort of put her hair behind her ear in a flirtatious manner while asking Carter about whether he was leaving.
107- Because Carter has "suffered his desire" for her.
108- Because she always goes to him whenever she needs someone to be there for her.
109- Because he's always there whenever she needs someone.
110- Because he listens to her without complaint.
111- Because she listens to him without complaint.
112- Because they trust each other.
113- Because they're honest with each other.
114- Because he "rescued" her.
115- Because he's "falling even more in love" with her.
116- Because he's "standing there until she makes him move."
117- Because he's "closer to where he started, chasing after her."
118- Because they're the next Doug and Carol.
119- Because he's "got" her.
120- Because it's what they don't say that interests us.
121- Because it's what they don't do that defines them.
122- Because if their relationship had been truly co-dependant he wouldn't have been able to walk away from her or draw the line during "Rampage."
123- Because he isn't her girlfriend.
124- Because Carter said he was bored, not desperate.
125- Because he doesn't second-guess her.
126- Because they have the potential for the happier, healthier more intimate relationship.
127- Because he thought that dress was "made" for her.
128- Because of Seth and Tim.
129- Because she doesn't feel vulnerable around him.
130- Because she's comfortable with herself around him.
131- Because Carter's the only one who touches the small of her back.
132- Because she lets him touch the small of her back.
133- Because they rock my socks.
134- Because he's "letting go of all he's held onto" with her. His past. His addiction.
135- Because they're "desperate for changing" and "completely incomplete."
136- Because she "completes him" (tm Jerry Maguire).
138- Because they have their own "place" by the river.
139- Because it was love at first... stomach expulsion.
140-Because Abby thinks he could do with someone to loosen him up a bit.
141- Because they've almost kissed three times.
142- Because his limo has three separate light settings.
143- Because he's already got enough vices.
144- Because "foot fungus grows on you."
145- Because we're "hanging by their moments."
146- Because she doesn't have to explain her every feeling to him.
147- Because of the way she looked at him during "Sailing Away."
148- Because their un-resolved sexual tension needs to be resolved. For our sakes at least.
149- Because she's his "one in five billion" (tm Mulder).
150- Because they had slurpies together.
151- Because they had sundaes together.
152- Because she's already met his grandpa.
153- Because they have their own colors.
154- Because they have their own religion.
155- Because they have their own part of a car.
156- Because they have their own cheerleading squad.
157- Because they have their own church.
158- Because making love to Abby wouldn't remind him of a Bishop with Lupus.
159- Because they were given a song- the highest privilege any TV couple could have!
160- Because she WANTED him to see her get undressed!
161- Because they have their own mascots.
162- Because they have their own land ("The Hanging Gardens of Carbylon").
163- Because they have their own flags.
164- Because a cracked door, bra-revealing woman is an open invitation. Carter just hasn't opened the envelope yet.
165- Because they have their own wonder of the world (See: 162).
166- Because they *are* a wonder of the world.
167- Because their body language says it all!
168- Because "there is nothing else to lose."
169- Because "there is nothing else to find."
170- Because "there is nothing in the world that could change his mind."
171- Because "there is nothing else."
172- Because he's "living for the only thing he knows."
173- Because he's "running and not quite sure where to go."
174- Because he's "hanging" by her moments.
175- Because when they have a disagreement they can talk through their differences.
176- Because communication is the key to every succesful relationship.
177- Because she laughs at his bad jokes.
178- Because Abby needs to let go.
179- Because Carter was being a friend during "Sailing Away."
180- Because Abby needed a friend.
181- Because he's "hanging on every word she says".
182- Because "even if she doesn't want to speak tonight, thats alright"
183- Because he "wants nothing more than to sit outside heaven's door and listen to [her] breathing.
184- Because they "don't want a thing from each other".
185- Because they each handed the other a hammer to break down their respective "walls!"
186- Because they've appeared in the credits twice!
187- Because they accept each other as is.
188- Because they "connect".
189- Because Carter "takes care of her."
190- Because their relationship involves give and take on both sides.
191- Because she doesn't need to mother him, or "rescue" him.
192- Because they have a healthy, open relationship.
193- Because he isn't "sad and dark" and she is.
194- Because they bring out the best in each other.
195- Because Abby forced Carter to confront his denial and dishonesty, and then in Rampage Carter tried to do the same for Abby.
196- Because they help each other.
197- Because he understands her, understands her need to be loved by her mother, shares a lot of the same pain and loneliness.
198- Because he gets past her defenses.
199- Because I'm thinking of Maura's neck problems in later life. (Luka tall. Abby short. You do the maths.)
200- Because I'm thinking of Goran's back problems in later life.
201- Because Noah and Maura both have morally expressive acting styles.
202- Because there's been more build-up between them than it has been humanly possible to endure.
203- Because I'm not enduring. Need. Release. Now.
204- Because they "click."
205- Because their relationship has more depth.
206- Because the name Carby sounds so much better than the others.
207- Because Luka "can't understand and sympathize the way Carter does."
208- Because he came between her and her couch.
209- Because he's seen her at her worst.
210- Because he's seen her at her best.
211- Because she's seen him at his worst.
212- Because she's seen him at his best.
213- Because he "smolders" at her.
214- Because we don't need a petition - the writings been on the wall all season. Plus, death threats work a charm.
215- Because he didn't kiss her in Thy Will Be Done.
216- Because he didn't kiss her in Sailing Away.
217- Because he didn't kiss her in Rampage.
218- Because he could have.
219- Because their mating dances are enough to start a religion.
220- Because it ain't Carby 'till it's "Hanging." (tm Jess)
221- Because they're everything that is right with love.
222- Because don't you hear the celestial bodies singing over their dancing figures?
223- Because the world is still waiting to let out their breath.
224- Because they're grace and ease materialized.
225- Because it isn't possible for Abby to drown herself in sad and dark with Carter.
226- Because, with Carter, Abby can't let herself slip into a simple role.
227- Because Carter can be that mystery Abby can peel away.
228- Because Carter and Abby don't have only their time in bed in common.
229- Because, with Carter, Abby has dancing, not distance.
230- Because if you look behind their relationship, you'll find no strings and nothing of an obligation.
231- Because they're about choice, not circumstance.
232- Because Carter wants nothing more than to be tied, ball and chain, to Abby's life.
233- Because Abby settled for Seth, but Tim was what got her hooked.
234- Because Carter is Abby's Tim.
235- Because Luka is Abby's Seth.
236- Because Carter and Abby live in a realm of being active with their frendship and their relationship.
237- Because Abby craves Carter's willingness to be active.
238) Because on the weighing scale of life, Abby and Carter equally balance the other.
239- Because Carter has stumbled upon that magical formula to make Abby willingly move.
240- Because Carter doesn't need to be schooled in Abby. He runs off intuition.
241- Because Carter weilds a silver sword and a knight's wardrobe with Abby.
242- Because Carter's learned that he needs to push her a little - push her slightly out of her comfort zone before she'll willingly move.
243- Because she needs to shift from her comfort zone.
244- Because her shift of comfort zones will lead to him.
245- Because, with Carter, it's a statement, not a question.
246- Because, with Carter, Abby isn't just externally beautiful.
247- Because he makes her internally beautiful as well.
248- Because they each know the other's pasts and yet remain in each other's presents.
249- Because Abby's face showed fear during his confession in Rampage.
250- Because it showed realization as she watched him walk away.
251- Carter and Abby's non-date didn't end with death, unlike Abby and Luka's real date.
252- Because Carter is there for her.
253- Because Luka is ready with the quick fix, even if that's not best.
254- Because Carter drove all the way to Oklahoma for her.
255- Because Carter and Abby actually talk.
256- Because Carter knows what's best for Abby, even if it takes longer.
257- Because they're there for each other.
258- Because Carter has never been this "naked" with anyone before.
259- Because, in so many words Carter told Abby to grow up and get over herself in Rampage, and someone had to.
260- Because he thinks she's worth waiting for.
261- Because he thinks she's even worth walking away from if it means she'll grow up and *realize* she's worthy.
262- Because she's given *Carter* the tools to be able to "read her moods."
263- Because they "recognize" each other in a way that Luka and Abby cannot.
264- Because Carby-Rays last.
265- Because Luka and Abby suffer from the Jack complex.
266- Because if not, there will be a whole bunch of lifeless Carbies out there...
267- Because Carter provides the "lo." And Abby the "ve."
268- Because they're like the sun and moon. Two bodies perfectly arranged.
269- Because their love could cause light and pull the tides if pressed.
270- Because Carter's smitten!
271- Because the "Maybe I'm not interested" conversation in Rampage was about their own relationship.
272- Because Luka's on the outside looking in, with these two.
273- Because she *thinks* he's not interested.
274- Because there was a greater reason for Carter going to an AA meeting rather than NA.
275- Because "Inertia is, n, 1. feelings of unwillingness to do anything. 2. Physics, the tendency of a body to remain still or continue moving unless a force is applied to it."
276- Because her relationship with Luka is being carried by inertia.
266- Because Carter is Abby's force!
277- Because he's Robin Carter to her Maid Abbion.
278- Because you wouldn't let your sparring partner come along to help your bottomed-out bi-polar mom in Oklahoma. You wouldn't.
279-Because they're both smitten!
280- Because she *thinks* he's not interested.
281- Because there was a greater reason for Carter going to an AA meeting rather than NA.
282- Because "be still her heart" with Carter.
Because Carter hasn't heard Abby's other rules involving sundaes.
283- Because Carter is a part in all of the 98% of the pure joy she sees.
284- Because he isn't part of that 2% that isn't pure joy.
285- Because he wants it all or nothing at all.
286- Because "you don't know what you got 'till it's gone."
287- Because he's like Romeo to her Juliet.
288- Because he's like Mulder to his Scully
289- Because he's like oreos to their milk.
290- Because he's peanut butter to her strawberry jam!
291- Because he's celery sticks to her cheez whiz
292- Because he's a dog to her Kibble 'n Bits!
293- Because he's chocolate to her woman.
294- Because he's lightning to her St. Petersburg, Florida.
295- Because he's Canada to her cold, wintery nights!.
296- Because he's dinosaur bones to her museum.
297- Because he's weeds to her green field.
298- Because he's asphalt to her road.
299- Because he's clouds to her sky
300- Because he's music to her dance
301- because he's lyrics to her song
302- Because he's the sun to her shade
303- Because he's active to her passive.
304- Because he's blunt to her evasive.
305- Because he's sun to her snow.
306- Because he's Dave Matthews to her band.
307- Because he's cookies to cream.
308- Because he's like milk to her honey.
309- Because he's peaches to her cream.
310- Because he's the elements to her compound.
311- Because he's a mitochondria to her cell.
312- Because he's the Roman alphabet to her Latin.
313- Because he's Pepsi to her cola
314- Because he's a fan to her ER
315- Because he's the thick atmosphere to her Venus.
316- Because he's charon to her Pluto.
317- Because he's the River Styx to her Hades.
318- Because he's Aeneas to her Troy.
319- Because he's Eros to her Psyche.
320- Because he's a moon to his planet.
321- Because he's her calm after her storm.
322- Because he's Luke to her Laura (sans divorce )
323- Because she's the laws to his Newton.
324- Because he's Gravity to her cosmos.
325- Because he's the tides to her moon.
326- Because he's the foam to her waves.
327- Because Abby needs to "let go her heart, let go her head and feel it now."
328- Because she's his brick and they'll drown slowly. Together.

And, of course, the Carter/Abby fan credo:

329- Because they are SSSOoooOOOOOOOooooooOOOOOooo CuuUUUUuuuuuute!!


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Disclaimer: Images are copyright their respective owner. Image of Abby in the top logo borrowed from ER Screen Capture Archive. Other screen captures throughout this site were captured by me. If you want to use these images, please link back to this site. John Carter, Abby Lockhart and everything else ER related belongs to Warner Brothers and NBC.