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If You Would Like To Be Part Of The Graveyard All You Have To Do Is These Few Simple Steps:
1)Sign My Guestbook
2)Write To Me!!!
3)In your e-mail include the name that you would like on your tombstone and the name(if it was not the same) that you put on my guestbook so I know that you signed it.
4)I will e-mail you back when your tombstone has been posted on my site. Thanx!!

Died: July 22 2001

Died: July 24 2001

Died: July 26 2001

Died: July 28 2001

Died: August 7th 2001

Died: August 7th 2001

Died: August 7th 2001

Died: August 8th 2001

Died: August 14th 2001

Ok Now Let's Take A Ride Down To The Red Room!!! Keep Your Head Down On This Ride, There Are A Lot Of Low Beams!!!

Main Hall | The Tower | Library | Dungeon | Graveyard | Red Room | Magic Room | Adoption Lair | My Awards | My Banners | Art Gallery | Scary Links