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Ahhh here we are. Finally you have reached your fate. This is the room where you will spend your last grusome days.

Your first encounter with the torture chamber will be quite simple. All you have to do is stand where you are and sign my Torture Chamber Guestbook. Keeping track of my victims enables me to give you a proper burial after you have passed.

Next step, well since this is a Torture Chamber, there will be some torture involved. First of all you will be put in a little box where you will have to listen to bad pop music by stinky teen and old artist from all over the world until your ears bleed.

After we have seen enough blood and figure that you have heard enough my faithful assistants will unlock you from the cage and send you off to your next step.

As my assistants walk you down the corridor you will be brutally beaten by my chisel monkeys with all sorts of food. Such as pickles, chesse, scorpian pie, pumpkins, carrots and many other treats. If in this process you touch, eat or make contact with this food in any way shape or form, you will be banished to another area of the Castle that you do not want to see.

When you reach the end of the corridor you will enter a door to the 3rd part of the torture chamber. In this part of the torture chamber you will be forced to watch 70's variety shows until you are blinded by there dumbness.

After you are finally been pulled away from the black and white t.v. screen from hell you will enter the 4th part of your trip in the Torture Chamber. In this part you will be placed in a room where you can't see anything. In this room ravage hamsters will chew at you legs and feet until the lights turn on where they will scatter.

Finally my faithful assistants will lead you into your final room. In this room you will sit and rot until my little Grimmy comes along and pronounces you dead.

Ok fine!! I can't do all of that because my not so faithful assistants all ran away in fear when they realized how scary my Castle was. So you can just leave. If you ask why I still leaves this hears it's becuase I can dream can't I!?!

Hurry Jump Into The Cart Before It's Too Late!!! For Something!! I'm Sure Something Will Come Eventually!! Well Ok Find I Lied Again!! Lay Off Alright!!!!

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