As told by Mckrin:
Count MaGram is one of the most imposing people I have ever had the chance to meet. Shorter and stockier than the normal human, I can only compare him to Norman in height. He also has that look about him that tells all that he is a reckoning in and of himself. And, lastly, he has something that isn’t really described in words. They fail to fall near the man, and so I will only say that the man is an original.
As for his past, I personally know nothing of it. His present is that of a crimelord that rules most of all the Jhereg business in the city of Adrilankha, suited to his power and ruthless to all that know him as nothing more than Gram. His skill in anything he does is superb compared to people who call themselves masters; few his equal, none his better, and those under him are usually the only equals. But his past? Well, absolutely nothing is known, but I was determined to know even the slightest sliver, so I asked the only true friend Gram seemed to have: Kur. It was late, and I had stolen a bottle of rich wine from an Easterner’s shop for just such a night – I was drinking water and recording everything – so we talked long into the night until the wine had loosened his tongue – at least, I think it did.
MaGramist Yevvenor e’Kieron IV, son of Duke and General MaGramist e’Kieron VIII, elect heir to the Dukedom Underwater of the House of the Dragon, lived his entire childhood in the camp of the Central Dragon Army. His mother died when MaGramist was at the age of fifteen years after giving birth to his sister – who also died in the birthing – and so MaGramist’s father decided to have the young lad live with his father in the life of the soldier. For the ensuing hundreds of years, MaGramist worked with his father and enjoyed his life.
Then, at the end of some hundred odd years, A’Gramist (Gramist the Arrow in ancient Dragaerian), as most called him, had earned the respect of the Emperor after a large battle between an invading army of Easterners. Well, Gramist had done such a spectacular job at destroying the Easterner menace, he was given command of the Second Dragon Army and a post in Southern Dragaera. This went on for hundreds of years until Gramist met with a young lady and they fell into instant love. For a year and a day, they prepared to become married, and they must have been truly happy. And they would have remained happy if not for a large scale Teckla uprising coming on around Gramist and his troops. Some unknown man brought on this uprising, and succeeded in destroying the villa that Gramist’s love resided at. The Central, Second, and Third Dragon Armies, on the other hand, were completely destroyed. But when Gramist went to see if his love was all right in the middle of the battle, he saw her dead. In minutes, every last man on that field was also dead.
Years later, a small time enforcer had succeeded in killing his boss and the rise of Count MaGram had begun. Now, as a small time boss in the small town Adrilankha, Gram and his five nameless companions sucked in all the power they could in the small town until they had it all. And fate was in with the man like a stacked deck, for only three years later did Adron create his own Sea of Chaos, and Gram was in charge of the town that was to become the capital. And he who owns the center of power is the center of all power.
It was at about this point that Kur stopped talking and fallen asleep, so I put all my notes away and went to check on Norman. To this day, I have no idea to how close this tale is to the truth, but it’s the seemingly closest story to any other out there. My only verification is that there was once a Duke of Underwater named MaGramist, but he had no sons and he was killed in a large Teckla uprising.
| McKrin |
Hemlock |
Kur |
Traavar |
Dzurlord | Shade
Blade |
Cid |
Rose |
Axe |
Iha Glenn |
Ishikun |
Jaino |
Norman | The Hawklord
Truch |
Milady |
Jolo |
The Surgeon |
Onynaxt |
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