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Elite Federation Force RULES

Main EFF Begining Rules Scripts Medals Training

Note These Rules Are Enforced


1/ Respect to be shown to any officer of higher rank than yourself at ALL times.

2/ As you represent the EFF, you should be seen as courteous to members of other fleets.

3/ Be a model officer to those around you and especially to new personnel.

Uniforms (the EFF prefix to your name) are to be worn by ALL personnel at ALL times in ANY EFF room. These include:

1/ During Training

2/ Playing in fleet tournaments

3/ Whilst involved in any Campaign Battle

4/ During Campaign meetings

5/ During General meetings

6/ During Command Staff meetings (if so invited to attend)

7/ When in the presence of any of the Command Staff.

8/ When playing SFC, SFC-II, SFC-OP.

The only personnel that are exempt from these regulations are those that have obtained PRIOR permission from either the Fleet Admirals or the Commander in Chief.


All personnel should follow the Chain of Command where possible when wishing to present a suggestion or problem that needs addressing.
The following is the Chain of Command starting with the 1st person that should be approached:

1- Chief Security Officer

2- Fleet Captain

3- Any Command Staff personnel

**Note that you should make every effort to contact either the Chief Security Officer or the Fleet Captain before speaking to any of the Command Staff.**