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Astrological Rulers: Venus, Saturn 

Keys: Law Principle, Solidity
Auriel ("Lord of Awe")
Rules: birth & death, body, growth, nature, stones & metals, material things,
caves, chasms, silence, graves, fields
Sanguine; Sensation; calm, imperturbable
Virtues: strength, endurance, commitment, responsibility, thoroughness,
practicality, wisdom, patience, sense of timing
Vices: dullness, lack of conscience, melancholy, boredom, inertia, stagnation,
hoarding of resources (including information) 

Yule & midnight
North, Boreas
Colour: green 

Symbols: oak, rock crystal, salt, bull or cow, stag, grains, comfrey, ivy
Tools: pentacle, altar stone (body of Anima Mundi)
Spirits: gnomes under Gob (friendly & easy to reach, teach access to own depths
& caverns & how to mine & work the vein of gold therein) 

Shortage: spaciness, hyper-activity, instability
Excess: body heaviness, general lack of energy, inertia, etc.