Epoch I: Times of Tribulation
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Take a look at em. Email me if you wish about them. I'm not interpreting cuz there are many ways to interpret them and it's interesting to hear other people interpretations, email me atSaboteur01@aol.com
Rear | The Greedy | Relationship (The Imperfect Perfection) | Bond | Dilemma | Illicit | Get Me Right | Swallow | Dead to ground
Know what I’ve done and what I’m about to do, it’s like I’m running, going to fast
I feel, I feel still, I feel petrifide. I’ve ran my way to immobility
Look back I see it all, it’s so vibrant, and shimmering, it should be blinding, but it’s so distant
Breathe, take a breath, breathe it in
Inhale, suck it, take it in
Now Hold it!
Keep it in
Hold it!
Don’t you exhale
Hold it! Suck more in, inhale more, don’t breathe out
Suffocate, gasp, choke, under your own breath
Smothered, indulged, never taught to be innocent
Wanting more, striving for more, till you can’t take it
Have it all, have everything you want, help yourself, take it all in you selfish prick, to selfish to exhale, I hope you suffocate
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Relationship (The Imperfect Perfection)
Take this your hand mesh it with mine, come follow, to what has been laid to rest
A whithered line, a gaping hole, a crack where amongst to dwell
This line cannot hold our own, it can’t take what we give, it can’t accept what we offer
it can only give us what we don’t need, it’ll shove what we don’t want
born of dismal ignorance all it knows is to undo what is not to be undone
this wretched line, a line, a path, a time of mine
this line, piercing line, it will not follow, we’ll leave it behind
Choose here and now no matter what consequences will follow
Who said whats to worry, it’s only the tommorrow
What future lays hidden for me
Find what you may seek
Faced with a choice, a burden not worth it’s keep
Make what you will of it I know it’s of no use for us
Give me a thought, be sure to follow, share what I can and I’ll lure you to my hole
A line walked, a hole soon to fall, a crack where amongst to dwell
This hole is hallowed out and will be of comfort, it can take what you give, it can accept what you offer
It will steal what you need, and we will lose all our wants held so dear
Dug of unremorse impatience, it will endure until it’s had it’s fill
This thieving hole, a hole, a fill, an escape of mine
This hole, consuming hole, it will not obstruct, we will bury it
Choose here and now no matter what consequences will follow
Who said whats to worry, it’s only the tommorrow
What future lays hidden for me
Find what you may seek
Faced with a choice, a burden not worth it’s keep
Make what you will of it I know it’s of no use for us
Express an emotion, don’t get lost, follow my face and sink into the crack
A line walked, a hole covered, a crack where amongst to dwell
This crack has been forged, its imperfection will be our bliss, contructed just for our desires
It will satisfy our needs, and we will gain what we want so much
Fractured by experience, it will be our only place amongst to dwell
This imperfect crack, a fissure, a calling of mine
This crack, sustaining crack, it will hold, we will dwell amongst it
I’ve made a choice now not matter what consquences will follow
There is no need to worry, it’s a tommorrow
My future lies before me
I will find what I seek
Faced with consequence, any burden will be worth its keep
This crack may not be perfect but it will suffice for us
*note anyone who can interpret this and comes close pretty damn close to my interpretation, meaning you have to tell me about the line, hole, and crack, why the hand, the thought, and emotion, it means going into detail about it, but if you come close, I swear I will find some way to reward you, cuz you deserve it, i'll like send ya 10 bucks in the mail or something
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A day wallowing, a light faint dimmering, repressed
dumbness is ever blinding
Feel the breeze surpass, overwhelming sensation,
Cold but free I know your empty
Feel my hand it’ll give you warmth
I know what I see, your thoughts pervading me
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Keep this away, I don’t want this
Reoccurring over and over again
It penetrates me, crippling, ever so changing me
It all comes down, it all comes down falling in me
It breaks the lock, and the door opens, getting
colder, shivering, it pains me
The door has to close because nothings coming in
Reassessing, revaluating, figuring out what’s there
Making it out, it’s vague but clear. This doesn’t belong here
Makes me feel like it doesn’t come together, and it’s wrong
Because this piece doesn’t belong here, it complicates the puzzle
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I feel like I’ve waited a long time for something to come, something to happen, because it has to change, there needs to be a change, I would give anything for something, it has to change
I can’t take it, idleness is stand still, a weight far to heavy to bare, running over the same picture again; I want to look at something different, give me something different, it’s has to change
Keeping things the same, gains you nothing
Change! What have you to lose?
Change! All you have then is nothing
Change! And gain something
It’s better than what you have
Change for the better
Give and take, Give and take, sacrifice for this change. Don’t step back or it will all be over, and pointless
Take a chance for change and welcome a new experienece
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I’m not what you think I am
I’m more complicated than your reason
Saying you see through me
Don’t really know what makes me
If you see through me
Then you’re looking at it wrong, because I’m clear
Judgment on me, what you expect of me, what you see in me
It’s all-wrong
Look into my eyes and get it right
get it right
Look into my eyes and get it right
get it right
Look into my eyes and get it right
get it right
look into my eyes and get it
Seeing through me when I’m not clear to you
You can’t fathom what you can’t understand
It’ll take shape; it will hold its form
And you’ll see who I am
When I’m all clear
I know I’m not what you see
Your false image it doesn’t seem right
Doubtful and frustrated
You will never see clear
Your judgment on me, your expectance of me
What you see in me, means everything
Get it right
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I tell you all
Disregarding what I say
Pushing it
Shoving it away
I’m telling you what I have to say
What I am
Looking away from what I say
Why would I lie?
Tell me
Please, tell me why?
I don’t want to hear your lies
Keep them to yourself
Realizing confliction
Makes me wary of this addiction
You keep circling
Take what is for what it is
Obtain the key
Open the door to what you seek
I still tell you all
You still disregard what I say
Pushing it
Shoving it away
All I’m doing is telling you the same
It’s not going to change, it's what I am
Take my word swallow it
time to end the charade
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Why do we choose to poison ourselves?
Corrupting our own divinity with lies…
Giving way to hopelessness
That fuck’n filthy hole
Like an Infecting viral disease
What’s spreading is not alive but replicating
Giving birth to the dead
We starve ourselves
Hopeless are we
Spiraling away from our Divinity
Searching for that Darkness
Taking comfort in what we cannot see
Slowly we slip away
Fading into our own pitiful deformed creation
Why do we fall so far away?
Why do we choose to wave good-bye?
Heading no where
We know that snake all too familiar
Vision’s getting dim
Wandering sleepy everything always seems foggy
That’s how we operate
Time to awaken. Time to go where it all begins
Time to find our way. Hope is where it all began
Time to induce this change within me.
Feel what cannot be taken away.
To be awaken with eyes wide-open
And clear the way for a chance to see
I’m thriving
Looking to find my way out this hole
Hallowed out and spawned by those around and before me
Ignorantly digging deeper in their mud and filth
I’m looking to get my head above ground
And I’ll…
Find my way. Find my way. Find my way. Find my way.
Even through the carcasses I'll climb and I’ll find my way.
Your weight is not going to bring me down
To get above that solid ground
To see once again to look up and see
Hope and get even higher
To feel what can’t be taken away
To be awaken to our true desire
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