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Check here for the latest news about the site and Redwall!
We are BACK!
That's right... Mirkruin Cove has been revived! Thanks to certain HTML-knowing critters, the site is up and running for the first time in over a year!

The Cove

‘Twixt the crashing waves there rests
A hidden island pearl
The Cove of Mirkruin lies between
Each wavecrest’s rolling curl

Sheltered by the pine tree’s shade
And bordered by the sea
The gulls wing high above the sand
As far as one can see

There lies a clearing in this Cove
That knows adventure well
Beyond this meadow lies a camp
With secrets there to tell

Of battles fought and battles won
Of comrades lost and found
Of blood stained blades and piercing cries
Of a creature’s dying sound

Of days long past, and moonless nights
Of treachery and wars
Of sorrowed eyes with long-dried tears
Of Hellgate’s iron doors

So if you reach this solemn place
Tread softly through the sand
And think of all the memories
Caught ‘twixt this lonely land

Publication Updates
The Angel's Command will be released on March 30 2003 instead of the 31st as originally announced. The paperback edition will be released in March 2004. Loamhedge is scheduled to be released in September 2003 in the USA, and March 2004 in the UK. The Redwall Recorder's Journal should become available in September 2003 in the USA. Dates for the UK have not been confirmed yet, but it should be around October or November. Tribes of Redwall: Mice will be released in September 2003.

Also the Redwall Cookery Book is still in the works, and Brian's bear story Urso Brunov is on its way.

Spring 2003 Tour
This Spring, Brian Jacques will be touring across the United States to promote his new book, The Angel's Command. It is the sequel to Castaways of the Flying Dutchman, and is to be released on March 31, 2003. Not too much information is available about it at this time. Read below in the news article dated December 2002 for more details. The preliminary tour dates have been posted in the "On Tour" section of Remember, these tour dates are just preliminary and subject to change, so if you plan on visiting Brian during his trip to the US, it would be a very good idea to phone the bookstore ahead of time to verify details.

The Angel's Command
Ben's breath caught in his throat suddenly. The entire crew of the Flying Dutchman, both the living and the dead, came shuffling up to the bars and stared through at him. They leered and grinned knowingly at the former crew lad. Suddenly they were wrenched aside, and he found himself looking into the face of Captain Vanderdecken, leader of them all. His face was as white as parchment, the thin lips blue from the cold, bared over yellowed teeth like crooked gravestones. From under their black-pouched lids, Vanderdecken's wild eyes shone insanely, boring into the boy's very heart.

The Dutchman poked a frostbitten, black-nailed finger at Ben. "So this is where ye've been hiding, wretch! I'll always find ye, no matter where ye hide! I'll soon have ye back aboard my ship, and we'll spend eternity together, lad. Eternity!"

Coming March 2003


  May 9
Lael: Fixed Search Engine, uploaded new *.gifs, updated About the Books.
  May 8
Lael: Tried updating About the Books Section, having problems with computer... :S
  May 7
Lael: Added new Picture of the Moment...
  May 4
Lael: Fixed links, added 'favorites' icon, fixed minor bugs. Hopefully will have messageboard up soon!
  May 3
Lael: Revamped site!! Added some links, poll, and graphic art. Please update your bookmarks if neccesary!!

This is an unofficial Redwall fansite, and has no affiliation with Brian Jacques. If you have any "issues" please contact the webmasters.
Site design and original graphics by Laelya.